We all have our personal lists - of the zaniest/quirkiest/funniest/craziest/smartest ... We devote this page to them. This week, Oscar Mathews is marketing manager at Palmon Group in Dubai, lists ...

You get more than you paid for
Where else can you sit all day, read the newspaper, listen to jazz music, watch the world go by for less than Dh20?

Very much like a box of chocolates
Looks great on the outside. Holds many surprises inside. Coffee is luscious, creamy and rich. But sip it too fast and you will burn.

It offers greater variety
Pick your coffee blend to match your mood; don't just settle for masala chai because that's the only special they have at the tea stall!

Is in a class of its own
You can stand anywhere in Dubai wearing Dh5 pants and Dh2 sandals and still look cool with a coffee takeaway cup in hand!

It grows on you
An old friend introduced me to matka coffee and masala chai. I eventually parted with the friend, but couldn't part with the coffee!

Helps impress!
One of the best things about coffee is the fact that these coffee shops are so beautiful. It just makes those first impressions so effortless!

Works wonders for your memory
It does. I still remember this date I went on about three years back - what she wore, what we ordered and how she almost tripped on the stairs … what I can't quite remember is her name.

Promotes wakefulness. Back in the school days, when I wanted to stay up all night to study, I would drink litres of coffee.

It's a habit you begin to love
It gives you a frothy punch which tea can never match. One smooth cuppa after the other, the punch doesn't lose its punch.

Dad makes the best
No matter how good the coffee at the coffee shop, nothing beats the cup of coffee my dad makes for me first thing in the morning before I am off to work!