Hosny said one of his reasons for selecting Police was because the company shares his passion for charity work. Image Credit: Supplied

He has often been described as a phenomenon. But one only gets a real sense of that word when you come face to face with Tamer Hosny, Egyptian singer and heartthrob.

There is something that sets him apart from hundreds of other singers in the Arab world — and causes mass hysteria among his audiences whenever he's around.

The singer was recently in Dubai, to announce his two-year contract as the new ambassador of Police sunglasses, making him the first star from the Middle East to join a long and glamorous list of Police ambassadors which includes George Clooney, David Beckham, Bruce Willis and Antonio Banderas.

tabloid! met the singer for a chat where he talked about his new contract with Police, his many awards, his fans and of course, his new look.

"This can't be described as a new look," the singer said with reference to his ultra short haircut.

"I was performing Haj [annual Muslim pilgrimage] last month, and men have to shave their heads for Haj, so this is not really a change of hairstyle," he said.

The Police endorsement deal, which was announced at the Atlantis Hotel earlier this month, underscores Hosny's position among the stars of the Arab world. Upon entering the ballroom, the singer was mobbed for about 20 minutes by his fans.

However, despite the mass hysteria, Hosny was very accommodating. He didn't turn anyone away or show the slightest hint of impatience.

When asked what was the most surprising thing a fan had ever done for him, the singer said: "A little girl once painted a picture of me...

"It was very touching because she was very young and couldn't draw properly, but the thought and effort that went into it made it one of my favourite moments."


"I don't expect gifts from fans and I don't encourage them to do that, but on some occasions people gave me handmade pictures or engravings, especially made for me, or children told me that they saved from their allowances to get me something...

"I can't express the love I feel when they do that," he added.

"It is also very dear to me when people travel from other countries to attend my concerts," he added.

Although people of all ages attend Hosny's concerts, his core audience remains young children

"Children are pure and clean, they can't lie, and they can't like anything or anyone pretentious.

"I feel lucky because many of my fans are children," he said, adding that perhaps he has a childish side that keeps him close to his youngest fans, although he hasn't made special songs for children yet.

With tough competition among Arab stars, Hosny can proudly lead the bandwagon with prestigious awards in his belt — awards which some claim he has never received.

"Many people claimed the awards never existed, just like they claimed that the Police contract and Pepsi contract never existed and that the Best African Artist award I also won in 2010 was not real.

"What can I say? I have the awards in my house, and the announcements were made by these companies and organisations, and all I can say is that some people are jealous of my success." he said.

"You can doubt an award when the winner doesn't deserve it, but I was given the award as a singer, lyric writer, composer, director, producer, script writer and actor," he added.

"At the end of the day, an award is not the criteria, but when a big company selects you, and Police did their research before selecting me to represent the brand.

"The people who selected the likes of George Clooney and David Beckham know what they're doing and they did their research to find out who can best represent the brand in the Middle East and North Africa," he said.

The two-year contract with Police includes many planned events and programmes, such as a special website, policetamerhosny.com, and a Facebook fan page.

The promotional campaign will include multiple concerts and videos with product placements.

Although not sure whether a new line of sunglasses will be made bearing his name, a custom made pair of sunglasses with Hosny's name was given to him.

"If anyone wants them, they should come and take them from me," he joked.

One for children

During the announcement, Hosny said that one of the reasons he selected Police was because the company shares his passion for charity work.

He added that he had also extended help to the children of Palestine because according "children come first and everything else is second, including my music and my career."

Talking about his family, especially his mother whom he always mentions during concerts and public events, Hosny said she took care of him as a mother and father.

"Our circumstances were difficult, and she was always sad until things improved when I started singing eight years ago and started becoming successful.

"She became much happier since, and I'm so glad that I could bring her joy and happiness," he said.

"One of my favourite moments is when a mother tells me she hopes her son would be as successful as I am, and this is very touching. I consider this dearer than awards to my heart," he said.

Many of Hosny's fans, especially women, wonder if the singer will ever settle down and start his own family.

And although he says he has plans, he has yet to meet ‘the one.'

"Once I find her, you'll see her with me," he said.

up next

Tamer Hosny said his next concert in Dubai would be in January, with the date yet to be confirmed. His new CD will be launched next summer. His other plans include a US tour as part of the Police campaign.