Filipino actress Louise delos Reyes. Image Credit: Supplied

For some time now, Louise delos Reyes has been the object of nasty criticism and public abuse — she was accused of causing the break-up of Kylie Padilla and Aljur Abrenica. She has now decided to speak up in this interview with tabloid!.

What’s the real score between you and Aljur Abrenica?

We never had a relationship the whole time we were doing Kambal Sirena. We don’t have a relationship now, and I don’t see myself getting involved with anyone as I am very focused on my career. No, there is nothing, I can confirm that.

Why have you kept quiet for so long?

I was hoping the rumour would just die a natural death. I know where Kylie is coming from and if I had said anything before it would have just made the situation worse. I just could not afford to keep my focus out of my TV series, because we were being closely watched, how well we would do against the other networks similarly themed show.

But the rumours were just nasty. Would you rather have spoken up before and cleared it up? Didn’t the criticism also take your focus away from work?

In the beginning it did, but I just let it pass. It was the right thing to do. Now, I get the chance to clear my name and finally tell everyone that no, I wasn’t the cause of the break-up; and no, I didn’t have or will ever have a relationship with Aljur. He’s just a colleague, and a close friend.

Have you reached out to Kylie?

Not yet, but I am planning to. I am just looking for the right opportunity. We belong to the same studio, so I am sure we will bump into each other at some point. I’ve already sent feelers anyway that I would like to clear things up with her. Let’s just wait for the right moment to come. This is something that cannot be forced. It caused a lot of pain for both of us; she lost her boyfriend, I lost mine, and I was accused of being the third party.

Have you also spoken to Enzo Pineda, your ex-boyfriend?

I have also not had the chance to speak to him. In time, I hope I will also be able to have a proper closure to our relationship. It wasn’t because of Aljur that I broke up with him. I just want to stay single and explore things on my own. I am planning to travel soon to take a break and hopefully clear my mind on what to do next.

Will you be quitting show business?

I have always said this is not forever. I still intend to pursue my dream of becoming an ambassador. At the same time, I am enjoying my work and I have been blessed with projects that any actor would dream of doing. That is why I want to just take off for a while and think of what I would like to happen in the near future.