Following close on the heels of Allahyar and the Legend of Markhor, comes another animated feature, interestingly titled Tick Tock. Directed by Omer Hassan, and produced by Sana Tauseef under the banner of HUM Films, the movie is set to create a subgenre of ‘time travel’ where ‘adventure’ meets history.
Here we have young history students Hassan and Dania embark on a journey back in time, along with their teacher KK and anti-hero Gobo, with the intention of fixing a few things about the past. It becomes a fun ride eventually, as they run into some of the greatest heroes in Pakistan’s history.
Scripted by noted journalist Omair Alavi, Tick Tock ends on an important message for the youth.
The voice acting is performed by Ahsan Khan, Aly Khan, and Maria Memon, among others, all of whom were present at the film’s trailer launch in Karachi last week. The film hits theatres in Pakistan on March 23.