Dubai: The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) on Monday dismissed as a hoax an old email that is re-circulating on social media about thieves posing as Dewa employees.

According to a screenshot, The email bears what appears to be Dewa’s logo and was allegedly sent by a Dewa employee. It states: “Three or four guys may visit your home claiming they are from Dewa/Sewa, to install shower caps, to save water! [sic]”

The email also states that the men may claim to be from a certain company that is installing light bulbs for free.

“They have been spotted in several areas. Please do not let them into your homes. They are robbers robbing people at gunpoint. Please broadcast to all your contacts, you may save a life,” the email reads.

Dewa, however, denied the claim.

In a statement emailed to Gulf News, a spokesperson said: “Regarding the messages about Dewa being shared via social media, the message is hoax as investigated by Dewa and Dubai Police. The message claims that a group of robbers will enter your homes posed as Dewa employees.”

Gulf News first reported this fake email in 2012 to allay public fears, but the image kept resurfacing in the public domain in 2013, 2014, 2015 and again this year.

In general practice, installing shower caps and light bulbs is the responsibility of homeowners or tenants, not Dewa’s.