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Dr Ludmila Vassilieva with her Excellence in Health – Best in Homeopathy award Image Credit: Gulf News

Dr Ludmila Vassilieva was born into a family of influential doctors and then married one; being a doctor was never just a profession but rather a passion.

A passion that was instilled in her from a very young age, and more so, during her first years of practice, when she saw the dysfunction in the modern system of the medical industry. She strongly believed that medicine should equate to healing, not just suppress symptoms.

Her strong beliefs propelled her to study and master the science of iridology, homeopathy, Chinese medicine and Ayurveda in addition to her Doctorate in Modern Medicine and a PhD.

That is when her discovery of energy medicine through Eastern medicine like acupuncture, Ayurveda, and homeopathy got started. She devoted her life to treatment on energy level through homeopathy and by uniting Western science with Eastern wisdom; to detect, to detox, and to develop, which resulted in a scientifically proven new line of medicine: The Holistic Healing Medicine.

The Excellence in Health – Best in Homeopathy award validates my dedication to holistic healing. It acknowledges the efficacy of homeopathy and the trust patients place in my practice. This achievement inspires me to further advance homeopathic medicine and the holistic healing approach and it is a humbling reminder of the responsibility entrusted to me as a healthcare provider and motivates me to strive for excellence in every aspect of my practice. It’s a testament to the government’s recognition of homeopathy’s importance and accessibility. This award honours not just me but also the collective efforts in promoting homeopathy as a valuable healthcare modality.

- Dr Ludmila Vassilieva

She developed a tailor-made approach to regenerate health and to support her patients from all around the world. Today over 25,000 patients moved from medication to meditation and transformed their life from a chaotic to a holistic.

She founded her first Homeopathic Centre in Donetsk, which later expanded to a branch in Kiev, and the Holistic Healing Medical Centre in Dubai, UAE. This paved her way to becoming the first-ever Dubai homeopathy consultant.

Having homeopathy legislated and registered was quite the task but Dr Ludmila girded herself to the challenge and was the first doctor in Ukraine to have a legal licence to practise homeopathy with her holistic healing approach.

Years later she battled the same resistance and challenges in the UAE. Her persistence, determination and commitment to holistic healing was rewarded and the UAE now boasts that it is one of the only two countries in the world who had the foresight to implement the holistic healing healthcare, into its country’s laws.

For so many years, Dr Ludmila had the vision to spread the holistic approach everywhere and to make it part of every human being so they live in full consciousness for love, health and happiness.

Her vision is to develop holistic as an industry applied everywhere; homes, schools, hotels, restaurants, organisations.

Indirectly and through her practice, she has managed to transform many lives, and now is the time to take action on a global scale.