Aries March 20 – April 18
While the events of the week just past, and what’s coming your way now, will be challenging, as a quick-thinking and fast moving Aries, you’ll not only live up to its twists and turns, what you learn in the process will fuel your interest in certain seemingly dull matters, some of which you’ve been avoiding. Not only will you tackle them with enthusiasm, in the process you’ll also encounter some exciting people.
Taurus April 19 – May 19
Only days ago, you were convinced certain complicated plans weren’t just in order, they were so well organised you could turn your attention to other matters. However, with impatient Mars accenting the details involved, either you missed several vital facts or your own focus had shifted, forcing you to rethink these. Actually, as your investigations are about to reveal, the changes you’re considering aren’t just wise, they’re timely.
Gemini May 20 – June 19
In mid-January, your ruling planet, the inquisitive Mercury, moved into Aquarius, the sign of breakthroughs, to be joined there by both the Sun and Pluto. This shift influenced others as much as it did you, and has resulted in a series of exciting, if unsettling, discussions. While you’d prefer to continue exploring those options, certain individuals are beginning to turn those ideas into solid plans. Join them. You’ll be glad you did.
Cancer June 20 – July 21
Although the Cancer Full Moon took place a month ago, on 27 December, the resulting insights about what needs to change, if not become part of the past, have kept you busy. While unsettling at the time, you’re feeling a new, and welcome, freedom. Better yet, this has prepared you for the series of sudden, but exciting, decisions that will come your way as you move into the month of February.
Leo July 22 – August 21
While as a Leo, and a fire sign, you’ve a powerful dramatic streak, that doesn’t mean you’ll have enjoyed recent, and often sudden, changes. If you trusted your instincts, and stood back, allowing events to unfold as they must, by now you’re recognising their promise. Still, wait and watch. There’s yet more to come, much of it as welcome as it will be unexpected. Lasting plans? They can wait until next week.
Virgo August 22 – September 21
It’s not until you witness others plunge into changes suddenly, and often with little thought, that you realise how impulsive certain individuals can be. Now, and over the coming weeks, however, this will be exactly what you’ll need to do. The secret? Forget about perfection. Instead, gather all the facts you can. Then take chances, knowing each encounter and, equally, every twist and turn will be amazingly instructive.
Libra September 22 – October 21
Nobody is better at weighing up the pros and cons of plans as they arise. However, with the foundation on which existing arrangements are based shifting, often suddenly and for the better, you’re urged to explore everything, even if it’s only for what you’ll learn or, possibly, who you’ll meet. The real challenge is dealing with those who’re impatient. If others are insisting you finalise arrangements, promise you will, but diplomatically avoid saying exactly when.
Scorpio October 22 – November 20
Often those around you, from family and friends to those who you see regularly, are fascinated with your ability to focus on a single idea, plan or passion until it becomes reality. Recently, however, you’ve had to rethink several of these. While unsettling, they’ve been triggered by your ruling planet, Pluto’s, move into the sign of breakthroughs, Aquarius. Although you sensed many were coming, others were a complete, and timely, surprise.
Sagittarius November 21 – December 20
One of the benefits of being a restless and inquisitive Sagittarius is that when unsettling, if not sudden, changes arise, you’ll already have explored them, and where they’re likely to take you. The challenge is convincing certain rather stubborn individuals that these are in their best interests, too. Forget about discussion and, instead, get them actively involved. The results are likely to be as unexpected as they’ll be miraculous.
Capricorn December 21 – January 19
True, others admire your ability to set a plan, then figure out a way to achieve it. The irony is, while that comes naturally to you, often being able to enjoy life itself is a challenge. The obstacles? The demands of certain individuals and your own feelings of guilt. However, the departure by the obsessive Pluto from Capricorn marks a turning point. Pause. Reflect. You might make a few revolutionary changes.
Aquarius January 20 – February 17
The inquisitive side of your nature means not only that you’re the first to make changes but that your enthusiasm encourages others to be more adventurous as well. But now, with the foundation on which certain arrangements, some longstanding, are based changing, each day brings breakthroughs. Explore absolutely everything. While some will thrill you, others may take longer to be appealing. Still, each will add to your life in remarkable ways.
Pisces February 19- March 19
As an idealistic Pisces, you struggle to achieve, and maintain, a balance between looking after your own needs and interests versus those of others. As you’ll have noticed however, ongoing and often surprisingly powerful changes in the actual circumstances you’re dealing with and, equally, those who’ve been a burden, are enabling you to put yourself first. Do exactly that. Not only has your time come, you’ll be amazed how helpful others are.