The family, says Anil, is consciously making an effort to avoid rumours and fake news about the virus on social media. 'We are only following official news sources, which comforts us and is less fearmongering' Image Credit: Supplied

More stories about the Covid-19 pandemic

The founder and managing director of Kanz Jewels, Anil Dhanak set up his jewellery company in 1991 in the Dubai Gold Souq. Today he has 10 showrooms located across the UAE. Until the pandemic erupted, Anil would normally travel five to six times a year usually to exhibitions to source jewellery.

Since when have you been working from home? 

It has been over two weeks that my family and I have been at home. We are a family of three, which includes my wife and my son.

What are some of the biggest challenges you have been faced with while working from home?

Our line of business is retail, which is a traditional bricks-and-mortar company where we deal with largely walk-in clients. With all shops closed down I am using this time to rethink and reorganise our systems and prepare a strategy for the coming few months and years ahead.

How difficult was it to adjust to this new reality?

Initially like most of the people around the world I was afraid of this unknown virus, but gradually I have come to accept this change and I have faith that things will resume very soon. I am very thankful to the government of the UAE and the health care workers who have given us security and an assurance of safety during this difficult time.

How are you and your family spending time?

Now everyone’s routine within the family is similar; we are able to spend more quality time with each other, including having meals together, watching movies together among other activities. I have always practiced yoga for the past 10 years and now I am able to spend more time doing this while I’m at home.

What are you and your family doing to manage the anxiety that is stemming from the pandemic?

Everyone within my family is consciously making an effort to avoid Whatsapp and other social media news, which is largely rumour based and fake. We are only following official news sources, which comforts us and is less fearmongering.

What are some of the things you miss from your life when Covid-19 had still not affected us?

Interacting with people from different nationalities, ages and social backgrounds is what made my work life enjoyable. So this is something I miss, as most other people do as well I’m sure.

What will be the first thing you’d like to do once this scare of Covid-19 is over?

My family and I will be very careful and will follow guidelines for social distancing once movement between places has been lifted as well.

What have you learnt about yourself during this trying time?

Spending less time with big groups of people gives more time to reflect and introspect. So this is something that I will try to continue even after normality resumes.

What will be your favourite memory from this experience, something you’d perhaps like to share with your grandkids one day?

During these unprecedented times of stress and even through panic I have seen great unity between people, governments and nations. This is something that I will definitely share with my grandkids.

One lesson you think the world should remember from this experience.

I can see a great deal of empathy during these trying times. I am certain that everyone will appreciate the simpler things in life such as having a house, food and water. These are necessities which we take for granted and we should consider ourselves fortunate to have these at this time while others may not be so fortunate.