Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway
Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway Image Credit: AP

Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway does not see it as a compliment when people tell her she looks good for her age.

The 40-year-old actress considers the concept of ageing irrelevant and sees the process as “another word for living,” reports aceshowbiz.com.

“I don’t think about age. To me, ageing is another word for living. So, if people want to pay a compliment, it’s nice. But whatever the hype is, I’m interested in what’s beyond the concept of hype,” Anne said in an interview with ‘Today’.

The ‘Devil Wears Prada’ star also explained that she has learned to be kinder to herself now she has grown older and is also better at “sharing.”

She explained: “I’m right at that point where I have a much better sense of how I like to do things. I’m so much better at sharing. I feel like I’m kinder to myself and kinder to others.”