
: Shah Rukh Khan’s 18-year-old daughter, Suhana Khan, is on the cover of Vogue India and tweeps are furious.

Online users criticised the cover and talked about how outsiders have no place in Bollywood because “nepotism rocks”. They even mocked Shah Rukh Khan for promoting his daughter’s edition of the magazine, at the Vogue Beauty Awards 2018.

Despite this, proud father Shah Rukh Khan posted a picture of the new magazine edition with a heartfelt message. His comment was liked 40,000 times.

Suhana Khan has not entered the film industry as an actor yet, which is why confused fans wondered what accolades got her this opportunity.

It is obvious that children of Bollywood stars are privileged as they have more resources and connections at their disposal. The nepotistic nature of the film industry has been the unaddressed elephant in the room, and only became a discussion when actress Kangana Ranaut accused director Karan Johar of being the “flagbearer of nepotism”.

Last year, Ranaut appeared on an episode of Koffee with Karan, a talk-show created by the director, when she openly criticised Bollywood for being unaccepting of outsiders.

Despite receiving a lot of flak for her words, and being at the center of all jokes, Ranaut had made a point, and twitter users echoed the same sentiments today.

India is not scarce of talent but the common man has to face a lot of hurdles before they get successful.

@IamBumikaC went on a twitter rant and in a series of tweets, discussed how unfair the ‘struggling actor’ has it in Bollywood. She tweeted: “What happens when you are not dressed appropriately as per audition requirements? They ask us to come again another day…. Imagine going every day for a new test and getting rejected over and over again due to XYZ reasons? And trust me, the reason isn’t talent all the time. It varies.”

Another user discussed how the media plays a part in giving fame to those who don’t matter.

@VirtualReality said: “Nepotism is as much a product of newsmakers, as it is of celebrities. If #Vogue considers Suhana Khan to be worthy of cover, it is because of the collective ‘media circus’ which feeds us ‘news’ about her, Aryan, Sara, Taimur, Misha, Navya, Aaradhya, whatever every day.”

The @EastIndiaComedy joked about the incident and predicted that at this rate, the next face of Time magazine would be Taimur Ali Khan, Saif Ali Khan’s infant son.

Tweep, @bbabyje tweeted: “Suhana Khan getting her own Vogue cover because she is star kid. I mean my dad’s a professor, where is my math text book with my face on it?”

Khan has expressed her desire to join the film industry in the future and Twitter will be ready for that day.