Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has filed a complaint with Mumbai Police’s Cyber Crime Cell against an alleged deepfake video that shows him airing a string of controversial political thoughts.
In the AI-generated deepfake video that is now doing the rounds, Singh is heard criticising Indian Prime Minister Modi for the rising unemployment and inflation rates in India. The deep fake video has allegedly used AI-synthensised voice clone of the actor.
According to reports, the AI-generated deepfake video emerged following Singh’s recent visit to Varanasi. He was promoting designer Manish Malhotra’s creations along with actress Kriti Sanon. At that time, Singh sat down for an interview, but the content has been drastically altered.
Earlier this week, Singh had already addressed the emergence of a deepfake video on his Instagram Stories, warning his fans about the dangers of them. Today, he has gone a step ahead and taken a legal action against the social media handles circulating the same.
His spokesperson told news agency ANI, “Yes, we have filed the police complaint and FIR has been lodged against the handle that was promoting the AI-generated deepfake video of Mr Ranveer Singh."
After his AI-generated video started doing the rounds on social media last week, Singh wrote: “Deepfake se bacho doston (Friends, beware of deepfakes).
Singh is not the only actor that has been a target of altered deepfake videos. Actor Aamir Khan has also filed a similar complaint last week when a deepfake video promoting a political party emerged. His team claimed he has never endorsed any political party in his career and that the video doing the rounds were fake.
“We want to clarify that Aamir Khan has never endorsed any political party throughout his 35-year career. He has dedicated his efforts to raising public awareness through Election Commission public awareness campaigns for many past elections. We are alarmed by the recent viral video alleging that Aamir Khan is promoting a particular political party. He would like to clarify that this is a fake video and totally untrue.”
Several stars including Rashmika Mandanna have spoken about the scourge of deepfake videos.