Veteran Indian actor Ashish Vidyarthi tied the knot with Rupali Barua in a private ceremony on Friday. The national award-winning actor has starred in several Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam mainstream movies, as well as web series such as 'Pitchers S2', 'Rana Naidu' and 'Trial by Fire'.
Rupali Barua, who hails from Guwahati, works for a high-end clothing retailer in Kolkata. For the wedding, the bride wore a cream-coloured mekhela 'chador', a traditional Assamese saree, while the groom twinned with her in a matching white and gold Kerala 'mundu' (a garment worn around the waist).
"At this stage of my life, getting married to Rupali is an extraordinary feeling," the actor was quoted as saying by 'The Times of India'. "We had a court marriage in the morning, followed by a get-together in the evening.".
The actor is popularly known for his villainous roles in several hit Bollywood films like 'Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai,' 'Bichhoo', 'Haseena Maan Jayegi', 'Pokkiri' in Telugu and 'Aaru' and 'Ghilli' in Tamil. In Hindi cinema, he is best known for his performance in '1942: A Love Story' as Ashutosh.
The National School of Drama alumnus is active on social media, with his YouTube channel 'Ashish Vidyarthi Actor Vlogs' having over one million subscribers.
The actor was earlier married to Rajoshi Barua, the daughter of popular actress and singer Shakuntala Barua.