John Cunliffe, Strategic Business Development Director at RAKEZ speaking at Gulf News Invest UAE seminar Image Credit: Gulf News

RAKEZ, with its robust ecosystem supporting over 23,000 companies, prioritises innovation and sector-specific support to empower SMEs and advance the UAE’s economic diversification agenda.

“Eighty per cent of companies operating at RAKEZ are SMEs. Our focus is on attracting SMEs from across the world to the MENA region by offering easy, cost-effective market entry packages,” said John Cunliffe, Strategic Business Development Director at RAKEZ, on the sidelines of Gulf News’ Invest UAE seminar.

“These packages allow foreign investors and entrepreneurs to quickly get visas and licences, test their products or services, and assess market traction with minimal risk. We provide ongoing support to them by facilitating introductions within our diverse ecosystem and helping businesses connect with government entities through our government relations team,” said Cunliffe.

RAKEZ remains a pioneer in creating unique business set-up packages, aimed at easing initial challenges for entrepreneurs. “We plan to continue tailoring packages for different sectors and market segments to maintain our competitive edge,” said Cunliffe.

This year, Rakez is targeting to attract 10,000 companies. “With 3,000 companies already on board in the first quarter, we're well on track to achieving this goal,” he said.

Future plans

Rakez’ plans to capitalise on its strengths in traditional sectors, while actively supporting businesses in emerging sectors. “We already attract significant investments from global players in sectors like manufacturing, engineering, automotive, and chemicals. Simultaneously, we're exploring new and emerging sectors such as AI, gaming, and software, aiming to diversify and expand our economic footprint,” Cunliffe added.