A US military policewoman who was involved in the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison has been found guilty of conspiracy, dereliction of duty and maltreatment of detainees in late 2003.

Spc. Sabrina D. Harman
Sabrina Harman was convicted on six out of the seven counts against her.

The 27 year old was behind some of the most gruesome photos to come out of the prison scandal.

Harman - a former pizza parlour manager from outside the US capital - shocked the world with a picture showing a hooded inmate in rags standing on a box with electrical wires attached to his hands.

The jury came to their decision after hearing three days of testimony where they viewed over 30 photographs and four video clips depicting the horrendous abuse - many taken by or showing Harman.

Harman claims that she took the pictures to document others wrongdoing. Prosecutors allege she took the photos for fun.

"That's exactly what happened here," said military prosecutor Capt. Chris Graveline.

He said Harman had many opportunities to report the abuse she had witnessed and never did so. Not acting on orders, she willingly participated in sessions where detainees were sexually and physically tormented, Graveline said.

In reference to the pictures which depict Harman and her colleagues smiling and giving the thumbs up Graveline said "everything's a joke. Everything's funny, but not to the men" being humiliated

Harman faces up to 5 1/2 years imprisonment possible. The jury will begin sentencing procedures today.