crescent moon
If the crescent is sighted on Friday night, Ramadan 29, then Saturday will be the first day of Eid Al Fitr. But if the moon of Shawwal is not sighted, Saturday will be the 30th of Ramadan, and Sunday will be the first day of Eid Al Fitr. Image Credit: Pixabay

Dubai: Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court has called on all Muslims across the kingdom to sight the crescent moon of Shawwal on Friday evening, 29th of Ramadan.

The court urged all the citizens and residents to look out for the Shawwal crescent that marks the end of the fasting month.

“Anyone who sights the moon through a telescope or the naked eye should inform the nearest court,” the court said. The court called on those who have the ability to view the crescent to join the moonsighting committees formed for this purpose in the kingdom’s regions.

If the crescent is sighted on Friday night, Ramadan 29, then Saturday will be the first day of Eid Al Fitr. But if the moon of Shawwal is not sighted, Saturday will be the 30th of Ramadan, and Sunday will be the first day of Eid Al Fitr.

This year’s Eid Al Fitr will be marked differently due to the spread of the global coronavirus pandemic.