A total of 529 tons of qat and 289,966 narcotic pills were also seized. Image Credit: Reuters

Dubai: In a six-month period, Saudi border guards arrested 3,794 people accused of attempting to smuggle 8,275kg of hashish into the kingdom, the Al Riyadh newspaper reported. The spokesman for the border guards, Colonel Mesfer Bin Ghannam Al Quraini, said that from October 2019 till February 2020, the border guards thwarted several attempts to smuggle 8.275 tons of hashish, 529 tons of qat (catha edulis) and 289,966 narcotic pills.

“The sting operations have resulted in 3794 drug traffickers being busted and referred to competent authorities,” Al Quraini added. In the same period, the guards rescued some 479 people of different nationalities, in line with their humanitarian role.