Manama: The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has no immediate plans to turn into a Gulf union, the GCC head has said.

"The GCC foreign ministers' meeting in Manama did not discuss any idea to turn the GCC into a union and this plan is not on the agenda of the leaders of the bloc when they meet at the next summit in Abu Dhabi," Abdul Rahman Al Atiyyah said.

"However, everything remains possible when the leaders hold their summit," Al Atiyyah said, quoted by Kuwaiti daily Al Jareeda.

The foreign ministers held a one-day meeting in Manama on Tuesday to discuss Bahrain's vision to improve the performance of the six-member alliance formed in 1981 in Abu Dhabi. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait had earlier submitted views on boosting joint action and unity.

"The focus of the talks was on ways to re-energise the progress of the Gulf Cooperation Council in the economic, social, security, educational and health areas," said Al Atiyyah whose term will end in April. He will be succeeded by Bahrain's new nominee Abdul Lateef Al Zayani the former head of public security.

"We also reviewed strategic cooperation with the European Union and other economic blocs, relations with Iran, the three UAE islands occupied by Iran and developments in Lebanon, Iraq, Somalia and Sudan.

The GCC fully supported Yemen's territorial integrity and stability and emphasised the need for its development through the 2006 London financial commitments, Al Atiyyah said, adding that the donors should honour their pledges to assist Yemen.