Priest uses water gun during baptism to maintain social distancing Image Credit: Twitter

With social distancing becoming the new norm, a picture of a US priest using a toy squirt gun while performing a baptism has summarised what the year 2020 has entailed.

In the picture, the unnamed priest and a woman holding a baby are seen maintaining social distance. The priest is seen squirting a water gun at the baby while sporting a facemask.

Tweeps were quick to react to the unusual image, and many made jokes.

Twitter user @audrey393 wrote: “These pictures are going to be really cool for these kids when they are older. ‘I got baptised with a gun.’”

The new norm

A user replied with a picture of a similar baptism that took place in Minnesota, US.

The couple, Mary and Kyle Nielsen, had reportedly scheduled a baptism for their two-month-old son Wesley James before the outbreak of the pandemic. But seeing the surge in cases and churches being closed, the family postponed the ceremony.

However, the family then decided to baptise the baby at home. It was Mary's brother who came up with the idea of squirt gun.

Recently, a priest from Michigan, US, also gained attention on social media thanks to the photos from his socially distanced service during Easter.

However, not everyone is a fan of the socially-distanced ceremonies taking place.

The practice has been deemed too comical and disrespectful by some.