Stock court justice judge
The Ras Al Khaimah Civil Court of Appeal upheld the First Instance Court’s ruling and turned down the husband’s lawsuit against the wife. Image Credit: Shutterstock

Ras Al Khaimah: The Ras Al Khaimah Civil Court of Appeal has dismissed a man’s legal action in which he sought “repayment” for an expensive watch he claimed to have bought for his wife. The Court upheld the First Instance Court’s ruling and turned down the husband’s lawsuit.

The man had requested his wife to repay him a sum of Dh74,050, which represented the watch’s price. He asserted that he had acquired the watch at her request, with her assurance of reimbursing him later.

Furthermore, the husband sought not only the principal amount but also interest at a nine percent rate from the time he initiated the lawsuit until she repaid him. He additionally urged the court to obligate his wife to commit seriously to the repayment and to have her cover the legal expenses associated with the case, including his attorney fees.

In his legal claim, the husband stated that his wife had asked him to purchase a watch on her behalf, intending to sell it and eventually return the funds to him. He maintained that he used his personal funds from his bank account for the purchase. However, he alleged that his wife did not sell the watch as agreed upon and also failed to return the money to him.

The First Instance Court determined that the husband’s case lacked substantial evidence and instructed him to bear the legal costs. Dissatisfied, the husband escalated the matter to the Court of Appeal to challenge the decision.

During the appeal proceedings, the husband conceded the absence of witnesses to corroborate his version of events. Conversely, his wife contended that she had acquired and paid for the watch using her own funds, which were stored jointly with her husband.