Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) is to sign an agreement with Driving Institutes to regulate the relationship between the two parties, particularly with regard to procedures and processing of driving license applications, and licensing of drivers in the emirate of Dubai.

Engineer Maitha bin Adai, CEO of RTA Traffic & Roads Agency, said that the outlines of the new Agreement stem from the vision of the RTA to provide ‘safe & smooth transport for all'. The primary objective is to upgrade the level of services provided by the RTA to the public through Driving Institutes; being the competent body engaged in training & qualifying drivers for obtaining driving licenses issued by the RTA.

“Given the fast development drive witnessed by Dubai at all economic & social spheres, RTA opted to reorganize the form of relationship with Driving Institutes to serve the public interest in accordance with the mission of the RTA. This is envisaged to be achieved through preparing legislations, and developing integrated solutions of road systems matching to the comprehensive economic development drive sought by the Government of Dubai, and in keeping with the highest international standards'' added Maitha.

She pointed out that the RTA is currently engaged in a wide-ranging assessment of procedures governing appointments of driving license tests. This includes appointments given for tests, interval between tests, and retests in case of failure to clear the test, or the applicant wishing to postpone or reschedule the appointments … etc. The aim is to put in place prompt and appropriate solutions for the delay in driving license appointments.

“Further explanatory notes about these procedures and others are being incorporated in the comprehensive Guides that will be shortly released by the RTA to upgrade and implement the Guides related to qualifying & licensing of drivers in the emirate of Dubai. This will be carried out through adopting the best global practices applicable in this field so as to attain the highest traffic safety standards and alleviate traffic congestion in the emirate of Dubai.

The CEO of Traffic & Roads Agency stated that the principal aim of the project is to upgrade the mechanism of training drivers, test procedures, and boost traffic awareness & culture among driving license applicants. It also aims to improve procedures, systems & techniques of licensing drivers to ensure that proper consideration is assigned to engineering, educational, environmental and health aspects. She stressed that there will be no change in the number of prescribed training sessions.