Gold and Jewellery Group of Dubai unveiled the Dubai Initiative, which envisagesf making Dubai an international trading and manufacturing hub for the precious metal and gemstone business, during the second Dubai City of Gold Conference held here last week.

Tawhid Abdullah, chairman of the group, concluded the conference by addressing many of the world's most powerful gold and jewellery representatives on Tuesday.

The two-day conference was hailed by participants as a huge success. With representatives from 16 different countries attending, many outlined how the event offered a unique opportunity for all segments of the gold and jewellery to come together and interact, consequently unifying the industry's commitment to quality development.

"The creation of the Dubai initiative is strongly supported by the visionary leadership of the government of Dubai. We can ensure you that should you decide to work from this dynamic centre, your businesses will be supported from the highest level," said Abdullah.

The Dubai Initiative has been developed to assist the industry to put in place the specific industry infrastructure required by all partners to add value to the respective businesses.

"We are all here with a unified purpose - to convene, interact, debate and, as a result, to set new global standards in production, marketing and regulation across all areas of our business.

"I feel that we have succeeded in doing all this over the last couple of days and are now in a position to consider the creation of a worldwide jewellery marketing body," Abdullah said.