Thirteen cameras are to be installed at nine busy intersections to catch motorists that jump the red light. Col Engineer Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen, Deputy Director of the Traffic Department, said these cameras will go into action from August 28.

Two cameras have been installed each at Al Mina, Al Bustan, Nad Al Hamar, and Dnata intersections. One has been fixed at the intersections in Al Athar in Jumeirah, Al Manara, Al Ghusais, the Abattoir and Al Rashidiya.

For the past year there have been three cameras doing a similar job but they were being used to test the quality of the camera and help the department choose the best. Col Al Zafeen said the cameras are being installed at those intersections where serious accidents have taken place.

He said the cameras have a dual function: they take pictures of vehicles jumping the red traffic light and also serve as radar units to catch motorist who cross intersections at a high speed.

"The camera will nab a speeding motorist even if the traffic light is green," stressed Col Al Zafeen.

Col Al Zafeen believes that in the last three years the number of incidents of motorists jumping the red light has dropped, chiefly because the amber light at traffic signals now gets a four-second burst instead of three.

Last week, a man and his daughter whom he was rushing to hospital, were killed when a car travelling at about 140 kmph sped through the red light and collided with theirs, said Col Al Zafeen.

"The cameras have been programmed to take a picture eight-tenths of a second after the light turns red. The picture will be of the rear of the car, which will prove that the motorist drove past the 'stop' line," he said.

Another picture will be taken one second after the first. "We have taken into consideration that a driver may not continue driving after he has crossed and stop after passing the line," explained Col Al Zafeen.

This second picture will be clinching evidence of the violation. "If the motorist does not continue jumping the red light, no penalty will result," he said.

The cameras will be operated on an experimental basis this week and offenders will be penalised from August 28, he said.

Two separate violations – for crossing the red light and for speeding – will be issued.

He said the fine, as specified by the Federal Traffic Law, is Dh500. In addition, Dubai Police will impose five black points, the temporary or permanent cancellation of the driving licence, and the vehicle may be seized.

For first-time offenders, the car will be seized for a month and the driving licence confiscated for not less than a month and not more than six weeks. For a second offence, the car will be seized for a month and the driving licence taken away for not less than six weeks and not more than two months.

On a third offence, the car will be seized for two months and the licence confiscated for not less than two months and not more than four months.

A fourth-time offender will have his licence cancelled and will only be eligible to apply for a new driving licence six months later, said Col Al Zafeen.

Nine other intersections will have cameras installed during the next phase of the project, he said.

He said during the first seven months of this year, 80 accidents have taken place as a result of motorists jumping the red traffic light, resulting in 179 injuries and three deaths.

During the first seven months this year 420 violations have been reported and 243 cars seized for racing through the red signal. Last year, 900 violations were reported and 420 cars seized.