Be humane in approach

There is blatant evidence of a lack of proper customer service, be it in malls, hospitals or contact centres. While we keep reading letters on how people have been ignored and mistreated in malls, and discriminated against, one incident in a famous hospital left me shell-shocked. I had taken my pregnant wife for a few tests. The staff were busy talking while there were serpentine queues of people waiting to get their forms endorsed and make payments. Leave alone service with a smile, they were least bothered about attending to basic duties. Even queries were dealt with very curtly, as if they are doing the customers a huge favour. I don't expect customer delight but let's at least be humane in our approach!
From Mr Sanjeev Pradhan Roy

Equally responsible

I am appalled by the attitude of the school management, who in my opinion are equally responsible for the safety of a child, especially since the transport facility was provided by them ("Last rites for Aatish conducted in Mumbai", Gulf News, April 28). The death of an innocent child is tragic and my heart goes out to his parents. Unfortunately, for the school, it's just another roll call in their books.
From Mr Mohan D'souza
Abu Dhabi

Power to change

I can imagine what the parents must be going through. Everyone places the blame on the other person, but the fact is that an innocent life is lost due to sheer carelessness. I can't help but wish that serious action is taken against the culprits and rules be set for schools and transport companies. Else more innocent lives might be lost. Newspapers have the power to bring in change. I hope through Gulf News's efforts, there will be change. We must ensure that our children are safe and protected.
From Ms Namrata
Full name withheld by request

Roll call

We term it negligence, but it is the loss of a child's life at the end of the day and that is unbearable. Blaming and counter-blaming will not stop future incidents. Everyone involved should take responsibility, there should be a roll call when a pupil enters the bus and the same handed over to the class teacher who could check if the child is in school or not. Could we bear it if anything happened to our children?
From Ms Bindu Sathianesan

Lives at risk

It's high time all the schools realise that it's an extremely unhealthy decision to outsource buses. Dear school authorities, please stop putting our children's lives at risk.
From Ms Sameena
Website comment

Call back

The death of the four-year-old schoolboy is an example that highlights the lack of responsibility and accountability on part of the school management and transport companies. Schools must contact parents within one hour of school starting time, if a child is absent.
From Mr Charles Joseph

Learn a lesson

If this is the result of outsourcing of the school transportation, who should we rely on? Hope other schools learn a lesson. Aatish will not return, but we can save many more lives.
From Mr Rakesh Kirti

On time and safe

This is absolute negligence on the part of the bus service company. The transport in-charge must make sure his drivers and attendants take proper care of the children and maintain a record of the number of children in the bus.

The school management should also give strict instructions that pupils reach the school on time.
From A Reader
Abu Dhabi
Name withheld by request

Battling life

I was in tears and shocked when I read about the death of the four-year-old boy. I can't imagine how he must have battled with life at that time. I request the school authorities to please take care of our little angels.
From Ms Chitra Gajaria

Editor's note:

To read more comments, log on to

Stinky affair

A short while ago, we went to the Corniche Park in Abu Dhabi. The place was really nice and pleasant. But we were very upset with the lack of clean toilets. The toilets available were stinking and without any electricity. I hope the authorities will do something about this.

From Mr Edwin R. Bandelaria

Abu Dhabi

No contact

I subscribed for the missed call notification service from etisalat. But I still haven't received the service despite my repeated attempts to contact their customer service department.

I lodged a complaint and was given a service number over a month ago. Whenever I try to follow up on my complaint, the customer service staff say that they will send an e-mail to the engineering department who will then contact me within one or two days. But no one has contacted me to date.
From Mr Biju John

Editor's note:

The complaint was forwarded to etisalat for comments. However, despite repeated reminders, its management failed to respond.

No solution

The current campaign by Gulf News against the use of plastic bags is totally understandable and much appreciated.

But what does one do about the plastic bags currently in circulation? Can someone please highlight this.
From Ms Jeny Michaels