London: Britai n's youngest mother, Tressa Middleton, was pregnant at 11 and a parent by the age of 12.

Both mother and child were put into foster care shortly after the child was born.

Now 16, Middleton said on Monday how she is banned from seeing her daughter, who has been adopted by strangers.

She said she spiralled into depression and turned to alcohol, drugs and self-harm after giving birth. But she said: "I'm not a big drinker now and I don't smoke hash any more. In the past I've cut myself, but I don't any more. I'm going to give myself a couple of years to get my life sorted then fight for access to my little girl."

Middleton's pregnancy shocked Britain when it emerged she had conceived after having sex with a teenage boy while drunk at a party. She gave birth in June 2006 and was taken into care amid claims that she had been living with a heroin addict on a sink estate near Edinburgh.

Child psychologists ruled she could not keep her child and she reluctantly signed her over for adoption 18 months ago.

Contact was cut at Christmas when the girl was formally adopted.

Middleton said she had gone to court to ask for twice-yearly contact.

"I don't think I can give my daughter the life she needs just now," she told the Sun.

"I have never had any regrets about having her, even though I had no idea it was going to be this difficult. When I'm older I want to build a relationship with my daughter."

Do you think the situation was handled correctly? Should Middleton be allowed to contact her daughter? Why? Share your thoughts with us