

As a Scorpio, you are the master of understatement. What you’re able to say in a few words can capture either a far-reaching plan or make a clever analysis of a seemingly unresolvable problem. Now, however, you must employ that talent to discuss a range of crucial matters with individuals who are less subtle. In fact, if you’re to make your points with them, you’ll need to be forthright in a way that seems heavy-handed. Still, it will be worth it.

Aries March 20 – April 18

While others are well aware of your trademark Aries courage, many are less conscious of your capacity for a deep and caring passion. This applies not only to what you’re doing but, even more to those who’re lucky enough to be friends, family members or, most of all, loved by you.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

The sudden appearance of somebody who means a lot to you is as exciting as it is unsettling. This is indicted by the link between your ruler Venus and the planet that’s all about the unexpected, Uranus, which means that however cleverly you manipulate arrangements, you can’t control the outcome.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Unexpected changes in plans may be unsettling, enough certain individuals are complaining. But you’re rather enjoying the opportunity to rethink both when you’ll do things and, even more, the objective. Tempting as it is to talk this over with others, they’re far too busy being irritated to listen. Those discussions should wait a few days.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Yet again you’ve become caught up in trying to preserve certain longstanding habits or arrangements before you’ll even explore increasingly pressing changes. You’ve done this previously and, after a period of struggle, finally realised that although reassuring, the relics of the past really must go. It’s just the same now.

Leo July 22 – August 21

One of your greatest gifts is your ability to turn even the dullest and most mundane of situations into a party. Now, happily, events seem determined to do the job for you. While these could mean rethinking certain longstanding plans, what’s coming is exciting enough it will be worth the effort.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Ordinarily you’ve a gift for spotting facts that others have created to suit their purpose. While, to put it bluntly, these are lies, you usually manage to sidestep the issue and, in the process avoid confronting the individual in question about their overactive imagination. Now, however, you may have no choice.

Libra September 22 – October 21

As an air sign, you’ve often tried to analyse the upsetting attitude or behaviour of others, then having thought it through, forgive them. And all without discussing it with the individual involved. Ask why they did what they did. Their response could answer all those questions, and within minutes.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

For ages you’ve been aware you’d have to rethink seemingly solid elements of your domestic or working life but, happily, thus far there’s been no need to make any changes. Now that the forthright Mars has moved to accent these matters, events will force you to declare your intentions, probably soon.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

One particularly difficult individual has turned being unreliable into an art, one that always leaves them in a desirable position and ignores everybody else, including you. While confronting them would be a relief, watching them face the consequences of their actions, later in the month, will be even more satisfying.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Most of the time, you’re a portrait of restraint. You say exactly what you intend to, and when it’s wise. But now you’re so agitated by a situation or an individual that you’re speaking suddenly, and often unwisely. Yet, bizarrely, others are listening, and heeding your words as never before.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Although your instincts about when to raise potentially contentious issues are amongst the best in the zodiac, you’re puzzled by one or two you’re currently facing. That’s because others aren’t being entirely forthright. In fact, in their hope to get an edge in discussions, they’re keeping vital facts to themselves.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Your superb intuition is probably working overtime, especially with unexpected developments and new ideas turning up every day. However clear those instincts are, ensure any arrangements you make are flexible. This isn’t because of problems or the need for changes but, rather, what’s good now could soon get even better.