

Even the strongest of Cancerians has a sentimental streak. You hold on to elements of the past, great moments, sweet times with those who’re dear to you or those special occasions when you discovered something or, perhaps, met somebody wonderful. These mementoes may be objects or simply what you recall. It’s time to edit these, especially those that are preventing you from fully enjoying certain enriching experiences and deeply valued individuals in the here and now.

Aries March 20 – April 18

When you’ve refused to alter certain arrangements in the past, it was because you didn’t have time to deal with them properly. Now that the situation is crucial, you’ve no choice but to plunge in and hope for the best. You can, however, ask others for a hand. They’ll be surprisingly helpful.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Allowing certain familiar elements of your life to change, if not become part of the past, isn’t easy. Yet for some time you’ve been aware they are more of a burden than a joy. What’s more, in letting these go, you’ll be making time in your schedule for something new and exciting.

Gemini May 20 – June 20

Most Geminis use humour to keep conversations lively but, as much, as a way of sidestepping issues you know would be upsetting. However, with your ruler Mercury powerfully aspecting the uncompromisingly truthful Pluto, there’s no avoiding certain tricky subjects. Raise them now, while you can decide the time and place.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

When you first decided to keep certain facts under wraps, the actual information wasn’t that important, but you knew it would upset some individuals. Now circumstances have changed, and those facts are crucial, but with things having moved on, one more revelation is unlikely to cause a ripple in others’ lives.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Obviously, those who keep crucial information to themselves, purely because it gives them power over others, are seriously irritating. While it’s true, those facts are pivotal, things aren’t nearly as urgent as they seem. For now, say nothing, aware that soon events will force the individuals in question to reveal everything they know.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

Don’t be surprised if you must entirely rethink certain seemingly straightforward matters. While you’re usually canny about even minor errors or deceptions, judging by the current powerful aspect to the uncompromisingly truthful Pluto, all sorts of secrets, minor and major, will be exposed. If there are any you’re anxious about, reveal them now.

Libra September 22 – October 22

Everybody has to pick and choose what they say. That’s obvious. But at the moment, certain individuals seem to be obsessed with ensuring each fact is revealed and discussed in depth. This makes you wonder where to draw the line, since certain details are neither relevant nor of any interest.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Each sign has its own idea of what’s relaxing. For you, it’s being amongst those who know, and understand you, and who you can trust. However, those individuals are few and far between. Try discussing certain matters you rarely mention with those beyond that circle. You’ll broaden your circle and be amazed how supportive others are.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

You’re by no means anxious about being forthright with others. However, you tend to be cautious around certain individuals who are as temperamental as they are touchy about what they regard as criticism. Yet now you must speak frankly, to them and anybody else who pretends to be more sensitive than they are.

Capricorn December 21 – January 18

Everybody has something they feel guilty about, something you remind yourself of when you’re worrying about the past. However, now that you’re discussing plans that involve the matters in question, you owe it to yourself and others to address these, and openly. It won’t be easy, but you’ll be glad you did.

Aquarius January 19 – February 17

From time to time, you realise that not everybody is as observant as you are. In fact, you’re now facing a situation in which someone you care about has been thoughtless, but is unaware of it. Tell them but gently, in the way that only you, as an Aquarian, are able to do.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

There have been times in the past, when you’ve been in a position to warn somebody about an individual or situation that you sensed was risky, if not just plain unwise, and you’ve said nothing. And then, when things went wrong, you regretted it. It’s the same now. This time, speak up.