

The time has come to talk about your own views and feelings, but also to experience lively discussions. Some of these will involve practical matters, a few, new ideas or, possibly, your social life or plans with family. In every case, expressing yourself is vital. You may think others are aware of your views and feelings, but once you’re actually talking things over, you’ll realise they’re not and, in some cases, potential misunderstandings need to be discussed and resolved.

Aries March 20 – April 18

No sign is better at dealing with setbacks than Aries. Yet even you’ve found the period since mid-April, when your ruler Mars went retrograde, challenging. Despite that, you’ve learnt a lot. Still, now that it’s once again moving forward, you’ll be delighted to discover you’ll achieve more, and with fewer battles.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

After weeks of having to be discreet about certain crucial plans or ideas, you can finally talk things over with others. Don’t be surprised if these discussions lead to surprising, if not perplexing, revelations. Actually, this shouldn’t be a problem, as you’ve plenty of time to make any necessary changes.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Sometimes setbacks are exactly that, problems that undermine your progress. However, those you’re facing now are forcing you to go back to the beginning, because both the circumstances in question and your ideas about them have changed, more than you realise. A serious rethink would be very timely indeed.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Within days certain worrying situations will turn around. While you may already have a sense of how things will work out, what seems promising now will become even better. Being conscious of that, stay in close touch with those involved and, even more, ensure everybody knows what your ideal outcome is.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Despite the unsettling nature of the events currently reshaping elements of your professional or financial life, there’s no question they’ll be of benefit. Don’t allow the control freak side of your nature to take over, and insist on details when, with things moving so swiftly, such facts wouldn’t be reliable anyway.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

The ideas or offers triggered by the recent superb aspect to bountiful Jupiter, which is in Virgo, may be brilliant. But the actual circumstances you’re dealing with are complex and, often, confusing. So much so, it’s quickly becoming clear you must ensure each step is wise before you take it.

Libra September 22 – October 21

There are all sorts of promises. If you’re suspicious of those being made by certain individuals at the moment, that’s no surprise. They’re basing their thinking on vague discussions and the resulting hopeful feelings rather than on fact. Still, it’s worth at least exploring these. They may actually work out.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

Even if you’re already well aware of the potential certain ideas currently being discussed offer, there’s more to come. In fact, what arises over the next few days could be as welcome as it is surprising. The trick is to ensure plans are flexible enough you can take advantage of these developments.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

When new ideas or offers arose, you didn’t realise that in focusing on these, other plans would have to go. This is exactly the issue you’re facing now. Decisions will have to be made, and within days. Think carefully which you can eliminate and, even more important, the price you’d have to pay.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Having little choice about changes as sudden as they are extensive is one thing. Obviously, you’d rather have time to discuss these. But the fast pace prevents any such luxuries. Consequently, you’ll be making decisions on the run. Still, you’re well enough informed that you’ll probably get it right.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Once again, money matters are on your mind. These aren’t pressing, which makes you want to ignore it all. However, what are minor issues now could soon blossom into difficulties of a more extensive nature. Tackle these and put them to rest, and you’ll both learn something and relieve your anxieties.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

Somebody seems determined to prove their innocence to you. The problem is, you hadn’t given a thought to what they’re doing or that there was anything to worry about. Now, not surprisingly, you are. Take this seriously. They’re feeling guilty and need to atone. This is the reason that they’ve betrayed themselves.