Aries (March 20 – April 18)

After a bumpy period in one close relationship, you’ve finally reached a turning point. In fact the recent New Moon seems to have introduced a much needed fresh perspective. Helpful as this is, you’ll still need to invest time in working out the origin and solution for the issues behind those problems.

Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Now that the ideas planet Mercury has joined the Sun in accenting your domestic life, the time has come to concentrate on much needed changes. While some are minor, others are more worrying. Enough you’re anxious about them. The only remedy is to begin. Take that first step, and the next will be obvious.

Gemini (May 20 – June 20)

Every Gemini is a bit of a free spirit, in that you hate being told what to do. This means that in an effort to avoid being heavy handed with others, you’re sometimes too vague about what you need. Clear up any confusion now or you’ll soon run into problems.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

Obviously you’d rather clear up tricky issues all at once. But with the actual situation in question in transition, it simply isn’t possible. Recognise that, and you’ll tackle each matter when the moment is right, and then bide your time until the next opportunity arises, and won’t worry in between.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)

Sometimes it’s possible to navigate around the differences preventing ideas being turned into lasting plans. But despite your best efforts, things are going nowhere fast. The problem is, situations require that everybody compromise in some way, including you. Be the first and soon others will be more willing to give in.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

With both the Sun and, as of today, your ruler Mercury in the most sensitive and strategic portion of your chart, you’re entering a period during which you’ll want to play it cool. This means focusing on personal reflection more than others’ activities and, equally, considering who and what benefits you and what doesn’t.

Libra  (September 22 – October 22)

While, obviously, you’d rather avoid tensions with others, you long ago realised certain people are incapable of settling a difference without drama. Knowing that, hopefully you’re not trying to avoid clashes but are, in a subtle way, actually encouraging them. Then stand back and let them express all their feelings.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

It’s not that you’ve no interest in what others say. You do. It’s just their views of certain situations differs so much from yours that you can’t really take them seriously. You should. It’s actually their way of talking about these that’s causing confusion. Once you understand each other, you’ll be amazed what you learn.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)

As much of a relief as the progress you’re experiencing in a number of previously difficult situations may be, don’t imagine you can ignore pesky details. Those you pretend are unimportant now will soon become crucial. They may be dull, but they’re better dealt with now than when they’re urgent.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

Having long ago learned that not everybody is as thorough as you are when it comes to planning, you’ve ways of asking about others’ decisions and, most important, whether they’ve information to back up those decisions. Now others admit they’re short of facts. With so much in transition, this is no surprise.

Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

Judging by the presence of the impatient Mars in the portion of your chart that accents certain obligations or your work, it’s been decided changes aren’t just necessary, they’re urgent. The person making those decisions may be you or someone else. Whatever the case, things aren’t nearly as pressing as they seem.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

Ordinarily you’d never encourage others to get involved in a plan you were unsure about yourself. Yet rarely have you been so excited or seen so much promise in one particular idea. When discussing this, air both your enthusiasm and your misgivings. What begins as a mere exchange of ideas could clarify your thinking.