Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre uses the most advanced techniques to achieve positive wellness benefits for our clients. Image Credit: Supplied


Pain can have a negative impact on many parts of our lives. Dr Yuchao Zhong, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioner at Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre, sheds light on understanding the causes and the approaches to addressing patients’ needs

What conditions do patients mainly come to Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre?

Chronic aches and pains, gastrointestinal disorders, infertility, decreased immunity, anxiety disorder, depression, hormonal imbalance, weight loss and many other lifestyle-related disorders.

How does physiotherapy and acupuncture treat pain?

For acupuncture, we use fine needles to stimulate the body’s acupuncture points in order to balance the QI energy flow and blood circulation, while promoting the body’s self-healing ability and alleviating the pain.

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Traditional Chinese medicine Image Credit: Supplied

What is your approach towards addressing a patient’s needs?

We have various approaches, depending on the patient’s needs and current condition. We offer a wide range of solutions such as acupuncture, dry cupping, wet cupping, ear point treatment, herbal medicine and supplements.

Many people want a solution for their chronic pain that doesn’t involve drugs. They’re worried about side effects and are also concerned that drugs just mask the problem versus curing it. What’s your take on using medicines to treat pain?

This again depends on patient’s current situation. In our centre, the majority of the pain-related treatments are for shoulder, lower back, headache, migraine and unexplained nerve pain. Mostly we rely on acupuncture and cupping without the need for medication. The results are positive, since these natural treatments don’t come with any side effects.

In our centre, the majority of the pain-related treatments are for shoulder, lower back, headache, migraine and unexplained nerve pain.

- Yuchao Zhong, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner at Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre

But in some emergency situation, drugs are necessary. As a precaution, you should take drugs that are prescribed by your doctor, not by yourself. That is why we always recommend our patients undergo a consultation before they start any treatment.

Are there things a person can do to prevent injuries?

Adequate sleep, appropriate exercise, healthy food (avoid any food that is intolerant for your body), positive mood and always keep your body in good balance.

Does the mind impact pain? How do you deal with patients who are paranoid about pain or the treatment?

Yes, the mind can clearly impact pain. Weak or sensitive people are always more prone to feeling pain. For such cases, we opt for our non-invasive treatments such as, laser acupuncture, dry cupping, ear point treatment or massage.

In Dubai Herbal and Treatment Centre, you see patients of diverse backgrounds with many different problems. How do you personalise your service?

Respect the patient, explain the treatment we have and the expected efficacy we can achieve. We offer multiple treatment plans for our patients.

IV laser therapy is being used as a healing approach to wellness Image Credit: Supplied

Are there any new developments in physiotherapy and acupuncture in the treatment of pain? And do you have it or plan to offer it at the centre?

We offer both physiotherapy and acupuncture in our centre and in some cases we combine them to achieve maximum results.

We also offer IV laser therapy, which is being used as a healing approach to wellness. The usage of soft lasers supplies the body with energy to trigger numerous regenerative processes.

We use the most advanced techniques to achieve positive wellness benefits for our clients. Intravenous (IV) laser therapy is the use of low-level infrared laser light directly applied to the bloodstream; creating deeper depth of tissue penetration that stimulates circulating blood and stem cells resulting in effective results.

We offer red, blue and yellow infrared laser that delivers optimal treatment outcomes based on the needs of each unique patient. IV laser therapy combined with any of our vitamin infusions allows for faster absorption of the nutrients.