Duabi Zoo will relocate to Dubailand in 2008, according to an announcement by Dr Adbul Hadi Pasha, head of the design unit at Dubai Municipality's General Projects Department.

"The area that we have at the moment is very small, but the new location will provide a much better environment and habitat for the animals," he said.

The move which is the fourth plan in a space of five years, cannot come soon enough for the 800 animals who live there.

The zoo has faced criticism over the way in which the animals are kept. Approximately 30,000 gallons of water are used every day to keep the animals as cool as possible.

Do you think that the latest plan for the zoo will come to fruition? Does Dubai need a zoo at all? Should the animals be housed in a sanctuary instead of a zoo?

Send your comments to feedback@gulfnews.com

A selection of your emails will be published on this page. We reserve the right to edit emails for length and clarity but comments will reflect the balance of opinion. Emails will not be published if no name is provided. If you wish to remain anonymous then please state this at the bottom of your comment.

I strongly believe that a perfect Zoo would be the one which has the financial capacity and potential to create the closest ecosystem and habitat for the animals. Which means that different habitats would be needed to suit each kind of animal. It is a huge project but I feel that Dubai has the potential and wealth to create such an environment for the animals. Whether the animals are in a sanctuary or Zoo, they need to have the right kind of natural environment built. For example instead of a bear being given ice blocks to cool down, there should be a built snow mountain environment. If we can have Ice ski area in a Mall or Hotel then why not an icy area for bears in a Zoo? In short animals should have a large area to roam around as well as the right kind of built up natural habitat. Both the factors are equally important.
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Dubai Zoo is clearly not maintained well compared to the massive London Zoo and Auckland Zoo in New Zealand, unfortunately animals don't have enough space to roam around and are left out doors in the heat & humidity just to entertain visitors. And again many people don't know that the animals at DXB zoo are animals that are confiscated at the customs in the UAE. Why are such appalling conditions allowed? Dubai has the potential and wealth to create the closest ecosystem and habitat for these poor animals and avoiding the involvement of Animals Rights organisations which I see coming in the near future.
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The Dubai Zoo should not continue to operate. Caging 800 wild animals in 5 acres of land is nothing less than cruelty and animal abuse. If Dubai recognises that it cannot properly care for these animals, why then do they keep them in these inadequte conditions? Even world-class zoos such as the Detroit Zoo have realized they cannot properly care for their animals and have sent some to sanctuaries. How many years and rejected zoo improvements, until Dubai realizes that caging these animals in its desert climate is wrong?

This is an excellent Resolution from Dubai municipality after long time, I visited Dubai zoo many times and I did not see any changes. I hope the new Dubai zoo will be as natural life for all kinds of animals especially for the bears, gorillas, chimpanzees and reptiles.

I believe that Dubai shouldn't even have a zoo in the first place. The summer gets very unbearable here. The animals should not bear the brunt of suffering in this heat and besides, Dubai can do well even without a zoo. There are alternative children's play parks and entertainment facilities. Animals should at least be able to roam freely in a large sanctuary instead. but that too would be unfeasable in this heat.
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