Mushtaq Ahmad’s photographs capture special moments in the lives of the rulers

Mushtaq Ahmad believes he is a privileged man. In his 27 years with the Dubai Police, Ahmad has had access to photograph many key moments and high-profile personalities.

This has created a rich source of documentation of the history of one of Dubai’s most important departments.

After working as a photographer in the Indian armed forces, Ahmad moved to Dubai in 1977 and says he has had a wonderful working career with the police.

Though most of his responsibilities include covering regular annual events, Ahmad says he thoroughly enjoys working on capturing the memorable milestones of the division.

“I’m not with the accident division,” Ahmad clarifies and says that he has never experienced a boring moment while on the job.

His arrival at a time when Dubai was less populated gave him close access to Dubai’s rulers, including the wedding of General Shaikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and UAE Defence Minister. “That was a wonderful day. I am very fortunate to have been able to see His Highness and even take close-up photographs on that joyous occasion,” he says.

Ahmad’s portfolio features the growth of the city and its rulers, which he says, makes it a little different from most other portfolios that have landscape photographs of only Dubai’s change.

“I owe it all to the job of course, otherwise where would I have had the opportunity to come into contact with the leaders,” he says.

Ahmad’s photographs have been hung on the walls of the UAE embassy in the United States and he also cherishes a memory from an official trip he undertook with the Dubai Police to Sydney, Australia.

“The Deputy Commissioner of Police in Sydney was quite impressed with my curiosity and kindly rewarded me with a rare helicopter ride over the city that made for some fantastic aerial shots of the city,” he says.

Over the next few pages are some of Ahmad’s prized photographs that allow a rare glimpse into the history of Dubai and the rulers behind its success.