

There are few more promising encounters in a birthday chart than the link between the planet of ideas and discussion, Mercury, and the fortunate Jupiter, and in your sign. This suggests that while you may be talking over recent events, you’re just as likely to hear about thrilling ideas or offers. Explore each and every one. At minimum, you’ll learn something but, often, these will broaden your horizons in ways as miraculous as they are unexpected.

Aries March 20 – April 19

Your determination that things will go according to your plans is admirable. But the changeable nature of this period is quite another matter and means that, despite your focus, things will probably need a serous rethink will be necessary. Annoying as that is in the short term, those changes could lead to timely improvements.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

While most are familiar with Mercury’s retrograde cycle, your ruler Venus also has a period of backward movement, which is the case until mid-November. This raises questions about matters important to you. They’ll be complicated. Still, the sooner you begin exploring them, the more you’ll understand their nature and what you’ll learn from them.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

By no means are you narrow in your thinking and, in fact, you enjoy few things more than discussing new ideas. Yet recently life has been so busy that you’ve been forced to react swiftly, then move into whatever is next. Explain this to those who’re demanding details. They’ll understand.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Once you understand that the frequent changes in plans you’ve been wrestling with weren’t just a nuisance but were about breakthroughs, you’ll also realise how important the coming days’ ideas, offers and events are. Each is highlighting something as new, as it is wonderful. Experiment. The more chances you take, the better.

Leo July 22 – August 22

For ages you’ve sensed you’d soon need to rethink elements of the structure of your life but the time never seemed right. However, last week your ruler the Sun actually moved to accent such matters and, intriguingly, events pointed you in a new direction. At least explore it. What you learn could excite you.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Planning ahead may be a virtue and make life simpler. But the ideas, offers or events triggered by the link between your ruler Mercury and fortunate Jupiter are so good it’ll be worth reviewing and rethinking existing arrangements. And during this exciting week, you could make changes more than once.

Libra September 23 – October 22

As a Libra, you long age learnt that tempting as it is to speak your mind the moment an issue arises, often that does no more than complicate matters. That’s especially the case now, with your ruler Venus retrograde, which can mean the past is influencing your thinking more than here and now facts.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Few signs are as intuitive as Scorpio. Yet, when thinking about certain future plans, you draw a blank. That’s no surprise. The actual situation in question is itself still in flux. For now, focus on exploring a wide range of options. When the mood’s more settled, you’ll know what should come first.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Currently things are going your way, and that will be increasingly the case during 2019. But life won’t necessarily be easy. Some of what’s best long term could be unsettling, if not actually chaotic, now and over the coming weeks. The more eagerly you embrace change, the easier it will be.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Uranus signifies innovation and breakthroughs, but it also accents unexpected events, something no Capricorn particularly welcomes. And with it moving into a new position on 6 November, even more surprises are in store. Once you stop battling these but, instead, embrace them, you’ll actually enjoy the many twists and turns they bring.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Last week the Sun challenged your ruler Uranus and on Wednesday, Venus, which accents close alliances both personal and at work stages a similar clash. While, obviously, this suggests there’ll be tensions, the resulting discussions and, possibly, new ideas will more than justify the effort required to find a universally acceptable solution.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Ignoring those who’re complaining, struggling or suffering in some way is nearly impossible for you. Yet you’re well aware all these dramas are about them getting their own way, despite practical requirements or the needs of others. Take a tough line and do what has to be done. You’ll be glad you did.