

Little is more rewarding than having focused on what needs to be done, then making a plan and getting things going. However, several existing plans need to be reviewed or, in some cases, retired and replaced with something else. While in some cases saying farewell to those plans will be a disappointment, in others it will be a relief. The pressure to make things happen will be gone but, even better, you’ll be free to pursue other dreams

Aries March 20 – April 19

Few things annoy you more than pointless rules and regulations. But there’s no getting around certain of these, at least at the moment. While you may not feel like being patient, it’s the best approach. Ironically, what you learn from things as they are will prove informative and could influence your thinking.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Logic is one thing and, as an earth sign, you both acknowledge its power and trust it. But, still, you can’t ignore instincts that are telling you something very different from what the facts have to say. For now, investigate both options. It’s likely that, gradually, something in between the two will surface.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

While you’d probably rather be out having a good time, the current focus is on life’s practicalities in general, and money in particular, which suggests those amusements will have to wait. Tackle the issues in question now, before things become more complex, and you should be able to resolve them, and within days.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Being ruled by the Moon, you’ve probably been aware of the influence of the current Full Moon for days. Still, because it accents close alliances, you may not yet have recognised the importance of the discussions it’s likely to trigger. Take your time. While they’re vital, there’s actually is no rush.

Leo July 22 – August 22

Rules and regulations don’t bother you, as long as you’re able to sidestep them. However, those you’re currently facing aren’t just unavoidable, ignoring them would create serious difficulties. The irony is, in going along with those restrictions, you’ll learnt a lot. Much of this will involve facts that, otherwise, you’d probably have bypassed.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Telling someone something they don’t want to hear is never easy. And at the moment it’s been complicated by the swift changes altering the foundation on which certain plans are based. Still, these discussions can’t wait. Besides, others sense things aren’t right. They’ll be relieved to know what the actual problem is.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Sometimes misunderstandings are exactly that. However, those you’re currently facing are actually about undiscovered but potentially crucial past errors. It’s not that anybody is trying to hide these as much as they’re entirely obscured. Be on the lookout for minor inconsistencies, then do a bit of investigation, and you’ll soon spot them.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

There are many ways to say the single word ‘no’, and in one particularly tricky situation, you’ve tried a few. But either it didn’t register with the individual in question or they ignored you. This means your only choice is to be blunt, and even more, to double-check you’ve been fully understood.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

The last thing you’re in the mood for is dealing with longstanding practical or financial issues or discussing new ones. However, the current clash between the Sun and practical Saturn accenting exactly such matters, indicates they’re urgent. Still, if you move swiftly, you could put them to rest, and without tedious dramas.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Only recently, you assumed certain arrangements were fully understood by everybody involved. Now and over the next few days, however, you’ll realise that what others think is expected of them and, even more, of you, varies. And far more than you imagined. Talk these matters through in detail, and soon.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Being an air sign, you have amazing capacity to view even seriously tricky issues from a rational perspective. However, others don’t. In fact, with Thursday’s Full Moon heightening everybody’s feelings, unless you’re careful, and thoughtful, seemingly minor differences could be blown out of proportion. In fact, certain individuals could suddenly become unexpectedly emotional.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

For ages you’ve known you’d have to adopt a heavy handed approach with one particularly tricky individual. Yet you’ve kept hoping they’d realise the problems they’re causing, and stop of their own accord. Clearly that won’t happen or, alternatively, they’re enjoying the dramas they’re causing. Either way, it’s time to draw the line.