We live in an age where rapidly expanding waistlines are becoming the new “normal”, particularly in the UAE, which has the most unflattering distinction of being the world’s fifth most obese nation. An alarming 40 per cent of the women and 25 per cent of the men are overweight, while one out of three children is obese, according to the World Health Organization.

With sedentary lifestyles and a fast-food culture fuelling the weight overdrive, an increasing number of people now walk around thinking that "average" is overweight, so they feel their weight is not really a cause for concern. Afterall, why worry when dress sizes 16 or bigger are readily available at the malls and fast-food chains are always keen to supersize meals?

But obesity is something we can't afford to ignore. It is more than just a physical problem. It is a multi-faceted issue that exacts a high cost on your overall well-being. It damages your health over time, and if ignored, it can even spiral into an emotional dilemma that affects your self-esteem in a big way.

I've met so many people whose weight issues have become such a debilitating physical and social condition that they shy away from any activity and turn to comfort eating. They feel isolated and they become depressed, which adds to the problem. They miss out on physical and social activity when they really need to be active. It becomes a damaging cycle.

So how do you get off this vicious cycle and on to the road to better health and a slimmer waistline?

Start by taking responsibility of your problem and understand why you are piling on the kilos. Understand the health risks that go with being overweight and do something about it.

Reset your brain by disciplining your habits. Mind-setting is an incredibly powerful way of getting your actions to sync with your health goals. If self-control is a struggle for you, consider seeking help from a life coach who can help you harness the power of your sub-conscious mind to replace any bad habit with a good one.

Practice correct eating habits. If you like fried food, try having more fruits and vegetables instead. Say no to giant portions and overeating, and yes to eating in moderation.

Have a full breakfast. Research shows people who have a hearty breakfast have a better chance of regulating their weight than those who skip this most important meal of the day. Drop sugar-laden carbonated beverages and drink more water instead to keep you hydrated. When you are dehydrated, your body cells are depleted of energy. As a result, you will tend to eat more.

Eat slowly. This is a weight-loss strategy based on research that it takes about 20 minutes for our brain to send a signal that we are full. So chew your food more and slow down your swallowing. Cherish each bite by eating slowly and mindfully. You will consume fewer calories without running into the risk of overindulging.

Exercise also helps if added into the equation. Remember that the kilos will definitely pile up if you eat more than what you burn in physical activity. So move! Move those muscles and do it regularly. Walk more often. It doesn't cost a penny compared to going to the gym but it will do wonders to your health.
Manage your stress. People often turn to food as a response to stress. It is a temporary fix, but is not really helpful in the long run. Consider some relaxation techniques to beat stress. Read a book. Spend time at the beach. Watch a feel-good movie. Anything to switch off from the noise of daily life and get you back in a good groove.
Make sure you get enough shut eye. When you don't get enough sleep, you are putting your body through physiological stress and it responds by storing more fats, which you don't really want. When you're not well rested, you could be easily stressed and may turn to food as a coping mechanism. All that eating means you will be taking in extra calories that will stick unless you burn them through exercise.
The way to weight loss and good health is within your reach. You just have to make a variety of things work together so you can finally see tip of the weighing scale go down and you can start living the healthier life you deserve.