Anuj Goel, CEO, Century Private Wealth

Please share a small profile of your business and how you came into your current role.

The field of bespoke private wealth and asset management strives to cater investment solutions to the needs of UHN individuals, business owners, family offices and other esteemed professional clientele. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, integrity, and innovation, the industry specialises in delivering comprehensive wealth management services designed to optimise returns, mitigate risk, and preserve capital.

My career path has been shaped by a deep passion for finance and a relentless pursuit of excellence in the investment industry.

With a background spanning over 17 years, I’ve had the privilege of gaining diverse experience across the financial services gamut in different countries. My journey began with research in the public markets, for where I honed my analytical skills. Along the way, I’ve had the opportunity to work with renowned institutions such as Kotak, Edelweiss, and Union National Bank, where I managed mutual funds and discretionary portfolios.

Joining Century Private Wealth as CEO is the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. In this role, I am honoured to lead a team of talented professionals across domains, dedicated to delivering bespoke investment solutions tailored to the unique needs of our esteemed clientele.

As CEO, my primary focus lies with driving growth across business verticals and geographies, while upholding the highest standards of client service and satisfaction.

What are the challenges you perceive in your field of business and how are you planning to meet them?

I recognise several perceived challenges and gaps in the private wealth and asset management field:

Quality of advice: The scarcity of experienced and knowledgeable wealth advisors poses a challenge in delivering top-notch services and quality advice to investors. This somewhere also translates into conflict with transparency of solutions provided to the clients, which may not align with the clients’ risk tolerance & investment objectives. These things pose a serious challenge and could lead to lack of trust and confidence amongst clients, not just for a particular organisation but the broader industry.

Quality of client service: Prioritising high-quality client experience is paramount in our industry, yet it can be challenging to consistently meet and exceed client expectations amidst evolving market conditions and increasing competition. We emphasize a client-centric approach, placing a strong focus on understanding our clients’ unique needs and preferences. By providing personalized advisory services, and ensuring transparent communication, we aim to build long-lasting relationships built on trust and satisfaction.

Technological innovation: As technology continues to advance, there remains a gap in innovation, catering to the growing demands of wealth and asset management.

Embracing that this era of technological innovation and increasing digitalisation is essential for staying ahead and meeting the evolving needs of our clients, we are investing in and leveraging on cutting-edge technology solutions such as advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and digital platforms.

Limited Awareness of Asset Classes: The broader GCC region has traditionally been familiar with and inclined towards real estate and fixed income, with a clear focus on yield. We recognize lack of awareness and understanding of other alternative asset classes, and varied instruments to gain exposure. To address this, we focus on investor education initiatives, providing informative resources to our clients and prospects to raise awareness about the benefits and risks of various asset classes, including highly sophisticated ones. By empowering investors with knowledge and insights, we aim to broaden their investment horizons and enable aware choices.

We are committed to addressing these challenges and gaps in the industry through strategic initiatives and are dedicated to enhancing performance & quality for our team, industry, and clientele.

State three things that you could offer to help incentivise your team in their quest for excellence.

I understand the importance of incentivising our team members to strive for excellence. Here are three ways we move to achieve this:

Leadership training: The forefront of our philosophy lies with the cultivation of leadership skills among our team members, empowering them to take on greater responsibilities as they grow. By investing in their professional growth and providing them with the tools and knowledge for success, we not only strengthen our team but also foster a culture of continuous improvement and excellence, thereby bringing out the future leaders.

Cultivating an excellent work culture: We recognise that a positive and inclusive work culture is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. Therefore, we place a strong emphasis on cultivating an environment where team members feel valued, supported, and motivated to perform at their best.

Commemorating team excellence: Upholding the core belief to recognise and celebrate the accomplishments of our team members, we strive to motivate all to consistently aspire for excellence. To this, we have established a comprehensive rewards and recognition program that acknowledges individual and team contributions towards our shared goals. Whether it is through performance-based incentives, or rewards such as public recognition and career advancement opportunities, we ensure that our team members feel appreciated for their hard work and dedication.

In your view as a new-age CEO, how primed is the UAE as a hub for business and entrepreneurship?

The UAE government’s utmost commitment to economic diversification, innovation and enhancement as evidenced by initiatives such as Vision 2021 in the past and the UAE Centennial 2071, establishes a promising and excelling environment for businesses to thrive. Additionally, the establishment of free zones, favourable tax policies, vast business opportunities further bolster the UAE’s attractiveness as a destination for startups and multinational corporations alike.

Furthermore, the UAE’s robust financial sector, coupled with its status as a global trade and logistics hub, provides entrepreneurs with access to capital, resources, and markets to scale their ventures. The presence of world-class accelerators, incubators, and co-working spaces further supports the growth of startups and fosters a culture of collaboration, thirst for knowledge and the consistent developments to enhance global industries.

What is the growth trajectory you have charted for your organisation over the next five years?

We have an ambitious growth trajectory mapped out for the next five years. Here is how we plan to achieve it:

Expanding geographically: We aim to strategically expand our geographical presence as well as our products & services verticals. As the GCC region continues to innovate and attract high net worth clients and family offices, thus our commitment to enhancing the growing demand for sophisticated wealth management solutions. By strategically entering new markets in the GCC, we aim to tap into a broader client base and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Focus on our DIFC Fund: We are committed to expanding our funds and other asset management offerings with a vision to deliver certain unique strategies that offer diversified and enhanced returns to our clients. We plan to launch new funds in the second half of this year, meticulously tailored to meet the evolving needs of investors in the region. With expanding our suite of asset management offerings, we strive to strengthen our position as a trusted partner in wealth creation and preservation.

Technological future enhancement: Acknowledging the transformative influence of technology in shaping the future of our industry, we are dedicated to embracing digital innovations which elevate experience and performance for our clients. We are actively scouting for such opportunities and investments to deliver on our commitment to constant evolution.

By successfully executing these strategic priorities, we are confident in our ability to expedite growth, solidify our position as a leading Private Wealth and Asset Management firm in the region and above all, delivering unparalleled value to our clientele, with achieving their unlimited aspirations.