
From July 26 to September 8, 2024, the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games (OPG) will welcome more than 15 million visitors at 25 locations in Paris Region. Beyond its athletic dimension, this event represents a fantastic opportunity to put all our region’s assets in the spotlight.

Exactly 100 years after they were last hosted in France, the Olympic Games are returning to Paris for the third time in history. They are to take place from 26 July to 11 August. And for the very first time, our nation will also host the Paralympic Games, between 28 August and 8 September.

From July 26 to August 11, 2024 for the Olympic Games, and from August 28 to September 8, 2024 for the Paralympics, Paris is teaming up with history to unite the entire world around the great sporting values and the Olympic spirit. Excellence, respect and friendship are the watchwords for this rare moment of universal celebration and popular enthusiasm amid festivities and emotions.

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Paris Region’s ambition has been to make the Games part of a regional project for the benefit of as many residents and visitors as possible.

This objective goes hand in hand with the desire to pass on an Olympic heritage. A material heritage, with urban development, public facilities and efficient, accessible and sustainable transportation infrastructures.

But also an intangible heritage, through support for cutting-edge industries, jobcreating companies and, more broadly, innovation in all its forms: technological, environmental, societal and cultural.

All these facets of the Paris Region experience are the fruit of a collective effort involving both public and private stakeholders. A commitment that will extend well beyond Paris 2024, working to create an inspiring, innovative and sustainable destination.


The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games are an opportunity to invite the whole world to celebrate the very essence of Paris and its region: a place where dreams come together, where excellence and creativity can flourish, a region where the French art de vivre comes to life.

It’s hard to imagine a finer showcase for the athletes’ performances than these mythical sites: the Eiffel Tower overlooking beach volleyball, the Château de Versailles presiding over equestrian events, the Grand Palais crossed by fencers’ jumps, the Invalides offered up to archery, the Stade de France to athletics, and the ancient Obelisk at the Concorde, a witness to new Olympic disciplines such as skateboarding, breakdance and BMX.

15 million visitors will be able to discover the treasures of a region that vibrates far beyond the French capital, and that offers an unrivaled historical, cultural and gastronomic heritage.


With 240 million euros invested by the end of 2023, it is the second largest public funder of the Games, after the French government. The Games are a showcase for technological innovations, the result of emulation between local and international companies who have combined their expertise to make this event unforgettable. These cover the fields of transport, energy, digital technology, big data and the Internet of Things (IoT): flying cabs, autonomous vehicles powered by green hydrogen, a floating solar power plant on the Seine, and more. The first Urbanloop capsules (see photo opposite), a revolutionary mode of transportation, will see the light of day during the Games: this small autonomous electric shuttle on rails will provide a free link between the parking lot at the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines leisure center and the fan zone on the île de loisirs.

Innovations in materials, construction techniques, heating systems... The facilities and buildings built for the Games will showcase a different way of building the city.

The Olympic Village, which straddles three municipalities (Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, Île-Saint-Denis), will take up the challenge of reversibility.

The architects have designed the buildings so that they will initially host the athletes, then be transformed into housing for new residents. An inspiring example of resource-efficient urban planning. Paris Region, Europe’s leading Smart Region In 2024, the eyes of the world will be on the Olympic Village, home to 2,300 athletes and their support staff. It was only logical that this village, the flagship of a region that claims to be Europe’s «first smart region», should offer a condensed blend of innovations.


Let’s look ahead to after the Games...

The people in Paris Region will inherit a region that has been transformed by Paris 2024: more pleasant to live in, greener, more sustainable, and inclusive, as well as bolder and more open to the world.

Paris 2024 has acted as a catalyst for the transformations that have already been underway for several years, enabling every inhabitant to inherit an even more desirable future.

The urban development projects linked to the various Olympic venues have transformed and «repaired» entire sections of cities, such as in Saint-Denis, where the athletes’ village will become an exemplary and attractive new part of the city after the Games. The transportation revolution. The most important heritage for the people of Paris Region is its transportation network, which is among the most efficient and accessible in the world.

The Grand Paris Express project is now well underway. A «super» 100 per cent automatic metro that will revolutionise daily life by linking the suburbs to each other, without having to go through Paris. The extension of line 14 will be completed before the Games and four new lines will be opened between now and 2030.

An intangible heritage: Extending the spirit of the games Paris 2024 is a showcase for the values that are dear to Paris Region: inclusion, audacity, openness to others and surpassing oneself. The Region is committed to ensuring that this spirit lasts beyond the games. Sports are a powerful lever for integration, and one which transcends socio-economic boundaries. Paris 2024 legacy is invaluable in ensuring access to sports for all.

The Colline d’Elancourt, the region’s new green lung, offers the general public a complete range of outdoor leisure activities, including an Olympic Mountain bike track. In Vaires-sur-Marne, the nautical stadium allows families to row or kayak down the Olympic River. For the people of Paris Region, the Olympic adventure will continue after the Games.