Mickey (Gillian Jacobs) and Gus (Paul Rust) in Netflix’s “Love.” The show was co-created by Rust, Judd Apatow and Lesley Arfin. MUST CREDIT: Suzanne Hanover/Netflix. Image Credit: Suzanne Hanover/Netflix)

Gillian Jacobs admits to warning her mother about the explicit content in her new Netflix series Love. She didn’t have to do that when she was on network TV.

“The content is more adult. My mum is telling me she’s telling all of her friends and family and co-workers to watch the show,” explained Jacobs in a recent interview.

“I keep being like, ‘But, you know, you know that there’s some, you know, some adult content in here.’ She’s like, ‘They know, they know.’ I’m like, ‘OK, but there’s some scenes in there I don’t know if I want your co-workers to see.”

Love follows Jacob’s Mickey and Paul Rust’s character, Gus, two mismatched misfits who embark on a relationship. The first season is available on Netflix on Friday.

This new gig also has Jacobs feeling like she got invited to a party with the popular kids in high school.

“I went to a Netflix party recently, and I was sitting there looking around and I was like, ‘I feel like I am at the cool kids table, like what is this?’ and it was all these actors from all their shows at one restaurant together and I was like, ‘This feels like a mural.’ It is kind of surreal.”

Her last TV show, Community, set at a community college, aired for five seasons on NBC and one on Yahoo but seemed always on the chopping block. Love has already been picked up for a second season before season one is out.

“I mean it couldn’t be more of a 180 from Community,” said Jacobs. “To have an immediate two season pick-up on Netflix? I know, the whole thing has felt like a dream.”

But could there be another revival of Community? The phrase “six seasons and a movie” was a running joke on the show, poking fun at its unstable existence.

Jacobs is open to — but not certain — of a Community film.

“There’s no script for that but I think my informal poll shows the cast would like to do the movie. We all still love and miss each other and talk all the time.”