TAB 130927 SPOT TINA Tina Sani performs during the concert at Meydan Imax. Photoby:Arshad Ali

It’s bad enough when stars make you wait for a performance. What’s worse is the VVIP denizens of the sub-continental society in the UAE who hold up the show for a bit of networking over complimentary food and beverages.

These were just a couple of my thoughts as I sat watching the empty first rows at Meydan IMAX in an otherwise full theatre around 9pm on Friday night. The invite said show starts at “8pm sharp” and we were at the theatre in good time to take our seats. What’s commendable is the patience of those who were already seated — close to an hour before Tina Sani arrived on stage — though I did see a couple walk out just before Adeel Hashmi took the microphone.

Although the brochure of translations had Faiz as the last poet, I was glad when Sani started the show with a reading of Raat Yun Dil Mein and quickly following it with one of my favourite Faiz ghazals, Nahin Nigaah Mein Manzil, and Kab Yaad Mein Tera Saath Nahin.

“If you like any ashar [verse], please daad deejiye [appreciate it],” said Sani to the audience. “Not for the singer but for the revered poet”.

Hashmi joined her for the rendition of Sheeshon Ka Masiha, an excellent poem I’m sure, but one which didn’t really touch my heart. Moreover I heard a listener sitting close to me say her “talaffuz” [diction] wasn’t right even though she has a good voice. Yet the audience seemed appreciative as she sang and read the next nazms.

She ended Faiz with a Punjabi folk/Sufi number Mori Araj Suno before singing the promised Naal-E-Nai by Rumi.

I wanted to hear her sing Iqbal’s Shikwa Jawab-E-Shikwa but circumstances wouldn’t allow it as I had a prior commitment. If only the show had started on time…