Life Health
Image Credit: Supplied

Homegrown UAE brand Life Healthcare Group said it will open 42 more walk-in-clinics in its pharmacies in Dubai by the 4th quarter of the year adding to the current 8, and announced the launch of a `Preventive Health for All’ initiative offering health check-up packages at nominal rates to contribute to community health and wellness.

In a statement, the group said the comprehensive package which is being offered at a subsidised price of AED 49 and AED 99 – has been launched with the explicit intention to complement and support `The UAE National Wellbeing Strategy’ and the UN Sustainability Development Goal 3 - `Good Health and Wellbeing.’ The UN goal is also part of the UAE SDGs in the country’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

“The `Preventive Health for All,’ is a well thought out initiative to align Life Healthcare Group’s mission of “live healthy” with the larger vision of the country. It is also significant that we are launching this at a time when the COVID pandemic has created a situation where health issues need to be properly monitored and treated for,” said Abdul Nazar, Chairman and MD of Life Healthcare Group.

The tests will be offered in two packages – Silver at AED 49 with 58 tests and Gold at AED 99 with 61 tests that include Lipid profile, Kidney function tests, Liver function tests, and Thyroid function tests – across all the currently operational eight walk-in clinics and medical centres in Dubai. These clinics are housed with an experienced doctor and a nurse, and are well-equipped for diagnostic check-ups and treatments.

“Our intention of launching the package is to open a well-qualified and expert medical diagnosis and preventive channel – particularly for people who may not have the wherewithal to spend on expensive health screening packages. These tests will clearly map the state-of-the-health of a person and help take preventive treatment measures if needed at the earliest,” said Dr. Kirti Marya, Group Medical Director at Life Healthcare Group.

He said that in the context of rampant lifestyle diseases in the UAE, apart from post-COVID issues, it was imperative such early health screenings are offered at affordable costs to safeguard the health of citizens and residents alike.

The health screening packages can be booked through five channels – Life Pharmacy retail outlets, existing walk-in clinics, Life mobile app, website and through the call centres at +971 4 3441122. The packages are valid for three months from the date of booking.

Life Healthcare Group announced its foray into walk-in clinics this year in its 25th year of operations and is looking at an AED 100 million investment in clinics and medical centers in the next three years. The group owns the largest pharmacy network in the UAE with 333 outlets.