Texel Air
Texel Air can put the new Boeing 737-700 aircraft to serve multiple purposes and depending on client needs. Image Credit: Texel Air

Dubai: Bahrain-based Texel Air has taken delivery of the first-ever Boeing 737-700 Flexcombi aircraft. The aircraft can be configured in seven ways to serve multiple purposes within a 48-hour timeframe.

It can thus switch seamlessly to operate humanitarian, government, express integrator and commercial flights from major airports to smaller remote runways, with configuration flexibility achieved without compromising in cargo volumes and mission capability.

“From our strategic position in Bahrain, we will operate this versatile aircraft, serving an international roster of clients that have long awaited a solution that provides them with unmatched levels of flexibility,” said George Chisholm, CEO for Texel Air’s parent company Chisholm Enterprises.

In addition to cargo, the aircraft can transport up to 24 people, and offers the option for medical evacuation flights using two specialty medical beds installed on the aircraft.

The FlexCombi was developed in partnership with US-based Pemco World Air Services, which provides maintenance and modification services to the aviation industry.