Experiencing mood changes is normal and happens to all of us. You cannot necessarily feel happy and full of joy all of the time. Sometimes, you may feel hormonal or just plain fed up! You know that there is no reason to feel as you do, but you do.
You may be going through a difficult time in your life, personally, financially or healthwise and all this can play on your mind and sap your energy. You know that you are not really much fun to be with, but you are unable to control your mood swings.
You may need someone with whom you would like to listen to your problems without being judgemental. In that case, you may need some counselling that will help you through this phase of your life or a good friend who will listen to you and not take over the conversation.
Probably, your family are forgiving because they accept you for who you are but your work colleagues are different. You may be working in a small office environment and you know that when your face looks like thunder, that this is a sign for everyone to keep away. It is when this pattern of behaviour becomes an everyday occurrence in the workplace that this can cause problems for the other members of your team.
Whether you are a CEO, a manager or an office or assembly-line worker, you are still working in a team that needs to deliver and perform to its best. So what can you do about it?
First of all, you should consult your doctor to see if your mood swings are caused by a hormonal imbalance or perhaps a vitamin deficiency and, if so, whether you might need some medication. I know many of my clients are not keen on taking medication but in the short term, it can be very helpful — just to get you over a difficult period in your life.
However, let me suggest a few non-medical interventions that, as part of your daily activity, may help balance out your mood swings:
* First, lift up your head. It is actually easier not to be grumpy when your head is turned upwards and your shoulders are straight. Try and lift your head up and stretch your neck and shoulders at the same time.
* Next, I want you to smile! Now I know you will say that you don’t always feel like smiling, and I understand that. However, when you smile it changes the way your body looks and your mind feels.
It also changes the reaction of those around you. Smile when you walk into a room and see the difference it makes. When you enjoy that feeling, you will want to do it again and again. And even if for the first time, you have to psyche yourself up to do it, all I will say is ‘just do it’ and give thought to it afterwards.
* Self-talk: It is very easy to use negative talk — ‘I can’t...’, ‘It’s not possible...’, ‘I’m fed up’ and so on. Try and turn your comments around, ‘I can’…’, ‘It’s possible’... ‘I feel good and today will be a good day!’. Don’t forget that the more that you practise positive thinking, the better you will get at it and the more optimistic you will feel.
* Listen to music: Listen to your favourite tracks and feel your mood lighten up. Music, and singing, can, in many cases, be significantly more efficient than tranquillisers or other medication.
* Go for a brisk walk: I don’t just mean a walk around the shopping mall — unless that does enhance your mood. This is a time to get your endorphins and serotonin — your natural ‘feel good’ chemicals to work their natural magic. You don’t have to go berserk at the gym but just make exercise a part of your daily activity. Make sure you book time in your diary that is dedicated just so that you do this.
When you help yourself this way, you will be more fun to work with and certainly nicer to live with.
But don’t forget, these self-help methods to beat mood-swings will only work if you do them regularly. They are not a one-day wonder solution. They have to become part and parcel of your routine. Keep track of how they make you feel after just a week — you could be surprised!
Key Points:
* Mood swings can happen to anyone.
* Demotivation needs personal action.
* Action includes exercise, deportment and smiling.