Dubai: Five Arab women will be honoured in Dubai next week for their cutting edge contributions to the field of science.

The ladies are being honoured under the awards-fellowship partnership programme between the Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF) and the Regional Bureau for Unesco, which was founded in 1998.

It is sponsored by the L'Oreal Corporate Foundation and aims to encourage female scientists in the Arab world.


This year alone there were 149 applications from a number of Arab countries.

Each of the five winners will receive a cash award of $20,000 (Dh73,000).

The Arab female scientists include Rania Zaarour from the UAE, who works as a professor at the College of Medicine at the University of Sharjah.

Cancer research

She will be awarded for her research in the field of cancer which shed light on the complex relationship between tumour cells and the surrounding host cells.

Saudi Professor Entissar Al Suhaibani from King Saud University in Riyadh will be awarded for her research into radiation genotoxicity.

Tunisian professor Emen Rabhi has made important strides in the field of biology, studying the Leishmania parasitic infection on macrophage metabolic pathways.

Chemical analysis

And Egyptian scientists, professor Rehab Mohammad Ameen, from the National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science at Cairo University, and professor Jenny Jeehan Nasr, from the Faculty of Pharmacy of Mansoura, are being honoured for their research in the field of photobiology and pharmaceutical chemical analysis.