200924 Saudis
Saudi and expat riders of the Hawks Riyadh MC club wave a national flag as they ride their motorcycles around the capital Riyadh, during a parade to mark the Saudi National Day last year.. Image Credit: AFP file

Dubai: The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has announced Saturday, September 23, the Saudi National Day, as official holiday.

Official spokesman for the ministry Mohammad Al Rezqi said that both private and non-profit organisations would observe the 93rd National Day as official holiday.

In line with Article 24 of the Executive Regulations of the Labour Law, employers are mandated to adhere to the provisions outlined in the second paragraph of the Article.

The Article stipulates the regulations employers must follow concerning official holidays. The ministry urged all employers to comply with the directives to foster smooth celebrations of the national event.

Additionally, students across various schools and universities will be given holiday on Sunday, September 24, allowing them to join in the festivities commemorating the Kingdom’s National Day.

This day marks the historical unification of the nations of Najd and Hijaz in 1932. The Kingdom, named after the House of Saud, marks this day with nationwide events and activities steeped in tradition and unity.

The streets will echo with the spirit of unity and pride. This year, the celebrations bear the slogan “We dream and we achieve”.

This year’s National Day brings with it the joy of an extended weekend, as September 23 falls on a Saturday. This allows for a time of relaxation and celebration, particularly for those who adhere to a six-day workweek. Additionally, individuals working a standard five-day week may also enjoy a corresponding day off to partake in the celebrations, making it a time of inclusive festivity.

Across the Kingdom, the atmosphere will be vibrant with a rich display of cultural heritage. The festivities include spectacular fireworks, parades showcasing the diversity of each Saudi region, melodious music, and a display of traditional attire. National pride will be evident in every nook and corner, with streets adorned with Saudi flags and buildings illuminated in green, representing the heart of the Saudi identity.