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Chancellor Olaf Scholz's cabinet approved a draft law overhauling the nation's citizenship rules that would allow people to hold multiple passports and is designed to facilitate the integration of foreigners into Europe's biggest economy.

Some 14 per cent of the population - or 12 million people - don't hold German citizenship, and almost half have lived in the country for at least ten years, according to interior ministry figures.

Naturalization in Germany lags well behind the European Union average, with a rate of 1.1 per cent compared with 2 per cent for the wider bloc, in part because people have generally been required to give up their previous citizenship to get a German passport.

Multiple passports allowed, shorter residence requirements

Chancellor Olaf Scholz's cabinet approved a draft law overhauling the nation's citizenship rules that would allow people to hold multiple passports and is designed to facilitate the integration of foreigners into Europe's biggest economy.

According to the draft law approved Wednesday, a citizenship application will be possible after five years instead of the current eight and that could be cut to three years for people who are deemed especially well integrated.

Those who are particularly well-integrated and have very good German language skills will be able to obtain nationality after just three years.

Prospective new citizens will have to show they are not dependent on state support, although the condition will have exceptions.

The draft law will also open the door for more people to become dual citizens, including those from Germany's large Turkish community.

Need more skilled talent

Europe's biggest economy is also trying to attract foreign workers to plug acute labour shortages, and is keen to make itself a more attractive destination.

The new law reflected Germany's "diverse society", interior minister Nancy Faeser said at a press conference.

Germany was in a "global competition for the best minds" and would improve its offer to potential workers by offering a clear path to citizenship, Faeser said.