Sheikh Rashid, Pakistan Railways Minister
Pakistan Railways Minister Sheikh Rashid tests positive for coronavirus. He says he is asymptomatic.

Dubai: Outspoken Railway Minister of Pakistan Sheikh Rashid has become the latest victim of coronavirus in Pakistan.

Sheikh Rashid announced on his Twitter account on Monday that he has tested positive for COVID-19, joining a growing list of politicians who have contracted the disease. Sheikh Rashid tweeted: “I have been tested Positive for COVID-19 though I have no symptoms of COVID-19, whatsoever. I am fine, Alhamdu Lillah. Need your prayers.”

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Earlier on Monday, former Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahid Khaqan Abbasi also announced he would be self quarantining after he tested positive for coronavirus.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Railways, Rashid is showing no symptoms of the virus. However, he has decided to self isolate for two weeks.

Sheikh Rashid is the founding chairman of his political party, Awami Muslim Legue (AML). He entered into a politcal alliance with Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf during the 2018 general elections. Imran later appointed the 69-year-old veteran politician to the post of Federal Minister for Railways.