Osama Bin Laden. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: Is Osama Bin Laden hiding out in a fortified cave complex in Waziristan?

Driving a cab in New York? Held in a secret CIA jail? Or dead?

According to the makers of an Icelandic documentary to be screened today at a New York film festival, the world's most wanted man is alive and well and living in luxury, protected by the Iranian government.

The makers of Feathered Cocaine, an investigation into the multimillion dollar illegal falcon-smuggling trade, claim that they have uncovered evidence that the Al Qaida leader has been living in a protected compound north of Tehran since 2003.

But in an interview with ABC Television, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he had "heard" that Bin Laden was in Washington. "Rest assured that he's in Washington," Ahmadinejad said.

"I think there's a high chance he's there. He's there. Because he was a previous partner of Mr [George W.] Bush," he said.

The Iranian leader's assertion brought a quick if not humorous rebuke from Washington officials.

"We've done an intensive search here at the Department of State — every nook and cranny, every rock — and we can safely report that Osama Bin Laden is not here," State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said.