Zimbabwe opposition leader Nelson Chamisa said he is winning election count "resoundingly".

Chamisa laims his party MDC has results from more than 10,000 polling stations and has twitted that they have done "exceedingly well."

A celebratory mood greeted the lawyer and MP who wants to be Zimbabwe's next president.

"Chamisa‚ Chamisa" chanted a large crowd as Nelson Chamisa was ushered to the front of a long queue and entered Kuwadzana 1 Primary School in the west of Harare on Monday.

Chamisa‚ the leader of the MDC Alliance‚ is in a tight race with the ruling Zanu-PF's Emmerson Mnangagwa‚ who took the reigns from Robert Mugabe in an ouster last year.

"I know that we are winning. We have won this election‚" Chamisa told a throng of journalists and supporters after voting.

Supporters responded: "We are already celebrating. We are ready for this new democracy."