Deserve a chance
Instead of initiating a campaign to reduce the number of stray cats in an area, the authorities should consider how their absence would affect the environment. Stray cats keep the rodent population under control. However, the concerned authorities should implement stricter laws to control the import and the purchase of pets. Additionally, there should be trained organisations to keep a check on cruelty against animals. Owners who abandon their pets should be punished. After all animals are God's creations, too, just like us.
From Mr R. Lobo

Reasons understood
Being involved in a minor accident taught me some reasons as to why certain mishaps occur. Some motorists do not indicate before changing lanes or taking a turn. Additionally, some young individuals drive a vehicle without a proper licence. I think the fines for exceeding the speed limit should be increased. Schools should inform children from grade one to 12 about the dangers of driving in a haphazard manner. This might assist in reducing the number of accidents, since students would then be more cautious as they would have their own licences.
From Mr Salem A.
Abu Dhabi

Losing out
Due to the ongoing construction activities, most residents tend to lose out on proper sleep and peace of mind ("Lack of skilled labour could hurt Dubai projects", Gulf News, October 30). I have noticed how the cement mixers, construction machines and trucks work late into the night. Trailers unloading construction materials block roads and parking spaces, which disrupts traffic. Additionally, temporary waste chutes add a considerable amount of dust to the air. Sometimes the cement or plaster is dumped from higher levels, which damages parked vehicles. As residents, we are aware of the developers' requirements to meet deadlines. However, they need to avoid polluting the environment and causing inconvenience to the public.
From Ms Piyal Rathnayake

I have been residing in Khorfakkan, along with my family, for the past 18 years, from a time when the house rents used to be very reasonable. However, a year ago we had to vacate the house since the owner's relatives wanted to move in. The rent for the new house was Dh10,000 per year. That was a year ago. Now the owner has demanded that we either pay Dh30,000 per year or vacate the house. This is unfair since the house we live in is very small. Though house rents are on a rise most people cannot afford to pay, as the salary packages remain the same.
From Mr Alexander K. J.

Reading about the history of Gulf News brings back some good memories. Even though I moved to Canada some years ago, I still believe that Gulf News is one of the most genuine newspapers, which covers regional issues in a skilful manner. However, I do wish that Junior News were revived since I read it as a child growing up in the UAE. Halloween has just passed and I would not even be aware of it if it weren't for Junior News. It was a fun-filled and informative magazine for children.
From Mr Nawaz Ahmad
British Columbia, Canada

Rational conclusion
I got fined for parking my car next to a parapet even though I was not blocking the traffic in any way. It is extremely hard to find a decent parking space these days. I think the authorities should first give a warning and then resort to fining a car's owner. If my car was ruining the decor of the area then the authorities should also fine those who discard waste irresponsibly. The dumpsters in my area are always full and garbage bags are randomly placed around them.
From Ms Jaya
Full name withheld by request

Unresolved issue
Unannounced load shedding in Pakistan continues to trouble residents since the authorities have failed to resolve the issue. The student community is suffering the most since they are forced to attend classes in darkness and cannot successfully complete their assignments at home, either. The science laboratories have been closed due to lack of electricity. The load shedding should be scheduled so that students can manage their academics accordingly. Additionally, electricity plants should be immediately installed.
From Mr Tanvir Othman

In their shoes
I do appreciate the fact that the UAE stresses the importance of a family. However, it would help if ideal and low cost accommodation facilities were provided for bachelors, as otherwise they have no place to go. Most people labelled as 'bachelors' may be married and are just financially incapable of sponsoring their families. I was also unmarried at one time and I understand their situation. I hope the authorities consider their situation, before evicting them.
From Mr Ryan Rodillo

Silent business
We established a new company in the Al Quoz Industrial area and applied for a telephone, fax line and high speed internet. We have been waiting for them to be installed for almost six months now. Despite running from pillar to post, we haven't achieved much and have faced a considerable loss.

Additionally, the phone numbers that were given to us were cancelled without any prior notice. After five months of waiting and constant interaction with the management at the head office, an etisalat inspector visited the building and informed us that the problem was due to some unfinished work on part of the landlord. Due to their lack of communication, we are forced to function without a telephone line. When etisalat did give us a number, we printed it on all the office stationery, which is of no use now as the number has been changed twice.
From Ms Aanchal Sadhnani

The management of etisalat replies: Ms Sadhnani's issue is not to do with etisalat and is in fact related to certain work that needs to be done by the building's owner. Ms Sadhnani's husband is aware of the situation. We have assured him that etisalat can resolve the situation. We will be installing the telephone lines in Ms Sadhnani's office within two days of the completion of necessary maintenance work by the landlord.

Make way for buses
In order to improve the traffic situation between Sharjah and Dubai, I suggest that bus drivers increase their frequency of trips to bus stops and main stations. Additionally, I suggest that the authorities provide access for buses at the border of Sharjah and Dubai, near Al Mamzar Park. Moreover, I believe special designated lanes for public transport vehicles should be introduced to increase the efficiency of the service.
From Mr Maheshwar C. S.

A little respect
I think newcomers to the UAE should respect the norms of the country during the fasting period in Ramadan (“Ramadan violators penalised Dh1,000'', Gulf News, September 16). Moreover, people should also try to dress modestly, so as not to offend those who are fasting.
From Mr Yakoob Ali

I think no one can match Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar in the sport (“Kambli recalls his best moments with Tendulkar'', Gulf News, October 20). His average and tally stand as testament to his achievements. Additionally, he has field experience of more than 19 years. Tendulkar is also very level headed and shows maturity beyond his years, at all times. Putting the team before his personal goals has been his hallmark. He never lets fame or fortune get to his head. Such an extraordinary player is hard to find, nowadays.
From Mr S. Raja

Sudden sorrow
Recently, the bomb blasts that occurred in Islamabad horrified me (“Pakistan blames Taliban for blast'', Gulf News, September 22). I wonder if the people responsible for the nation-wide heartache and grief have any shred of humanity in their hearts. What is the point of killing so many innocent people? I cannot imagine how the families of the victims deal with their sorrow. Such terrorists should know that they are accountable to God.
From Ms Sairah
Full name withheld by request

No religion
It was a sad day for Pakistan, when the bomb blasts rocked the country recently (“Pakistan blames Taliban for blast'', Gulf News, September 22). My heartfelt sympathy goes out to innocent victims of the latest terror attacks by extremists who have no regard for life and respect, especially during Ramadan. The world condemns such atrocities, since it is not about any ideology related to faith, but rather a pure act of terrorism.
From Mr Noel Malicdem
Abu Dhabi

Rooting out terrorism
No religion propagates terrorism for it is an act that must be strongly condemned (“Terrorism should be subject of study in schools — Kiran Bedi'', Gulf News, October 28). I think teaching about the impact of terrorism on societies and cultures would enlighten pupils and create greater awareness at a young age. However, it would benefit pupils if they were taught about the laws that prevail in their country of residence, too. Moreover, I think schools should include religious studies as part of their curriculum. Learning about each other's faith would definitely help promote unity and harmony among young adults. As no religion teaches hatred, one would realise that humanity is the essence of any faith and that terrorism truly has no part to play in our lives.
From Mr M. K. Hanif

Not necessary
There are people who cannot imagine life without cars, mobile phones and computers (“Shop ‘n' save'', Speak Your Mind, Gulf News, October 31). The justification provided is usually false, since we did manage to survive without these gadgets until a decade ago. Taking into account the traffic congestion and environment, a car does not have to be an essential part of one's life. The mobile phone proves to be a nuisance since people continue to use it while driving. However, a computer is necessary to a certain extent for use at work every day.
From Mr Aravindakshan P.G.

Help the needy
I must congratulate Gulf News for its thought provoking report on Yemen, which is an eye-opener for neighbouring countries ("World should rally around Yemen", Gulf News, October 27). Heavy rains flooded Yemen and there is a possibility that the situation might get worse. Several homes were destroyed and many families displaced. It is the world's moral duty to extend a helping hand to Yemen in order to reduce the misery of its residents.
From Mr K. N. Vasudevan

Presenting facts
The US presidential election is going to affect the entire world (“Supremacists' plot to assassinate Obama foiled'', Gulf News, October 28). A debate should be initiated to discuss whether the world's opinion, regarding the elections, should be taken into consideration. Countries in the Asian sub continent and the Middle East are suffering due to the current monetary and credit problems. World leaders should represent their countries in such debates and review their current situation.
From Mr Hari Sankar S.

Not reasonable
This is in reference to the Sharjah Transport Authority's decision to commence the taxi's meter at Dh20, for trips to Dubai (“Sharjah taxi meters to start at Dh20 for Dubai trips'', Gulf News, October 29). The meter used to start at Dh2.50 and a trip to Dubai would cost Dh35. With the revision in price, the fare will be much higher and might even go up to Dh60. The sudden rise in price is not reasonable for someone like me, who uses the taxi service regularly. Instead of increasing the fare to encourage taxi drivers to drive to Dubai, passengers could be taken back to Sharjah on the return trip. This will not only help passengers but also ease the traffic flow. I request the authorities to consider this option, too.
From Mr K. Ragavan

Simplified process
Recent reports about visa-runners in Kish come as an eye opener to those who are unaware of the intricacies of visa change (“Visa-runners stranded in Kish'', Gulf News, October 28). Without proper knowledge or awareness, many people fall into the trap set by travel agents, as they are usually relied upon for assistance with visa procedures. I think the authorities should create awareness programmes for newcomers in the UAE. Additionally, such initiatives could be brought to the forefront with the help of embassies and volunteer groups. By endeavouring to simplify the process for hapless visa-runners, we could succeed in easing their troubles.
From Ms Shemeem K.