Nothing but the truth
Every reader has certain expectations from the media — most believe a newspaper should always support the truth, irrespective of the consequences ("Mother repeats plea to hire carer", Gulf News, October 29). Gulf News is the only newspaper that focused on the helpless whale shark trapped in Atlantis hotel and continues to champion the cause to set Sammy free. Additionally, the newspaper has now shifted its focus to Dr Reem, a Palestinian expatriate who has been in a coma for the past three years. I hope something fruitful comes out of both endeavours. I am proud to be a Gulf News reader.
From Mr Mohammad Ameen

Price of care
The report on Dr Reem and her family was truly painful to read ("Overwhelming response for doctor lying in coma", Gulf News, October 28). She requires someone to look after her and it was sad that her family's request for a housemaid was not accepted. In most cases, both parents have to work and a huge portion of their salary is used to pay the house rent. People who can afford to keep a housemaid are truly blessed, since someone can look after their house in their absence. I urge the authorities to reconsider the fee for a housemaid's visa.
From Mr Pradeep Jenvi

Trapped in my car
I just wanted to congratulate for closing down ‘Access 1' entrance/exit to Burj Dubai ("Traffic chaos in run-up to opening of Dubai Mall," Gulf News, October 28). Sheer stroke of brilliance. I would like to offer thanks for the extra two hours I spent in my car trying to get home from work. It truly gave me the opportunity to test my patience and get to know my vehicle on a more personal level. I am proud to say I now know every word to every single commercial on radio.
From Mr John Paravalos

Apologies, again
A few days ago, I returned home very late and was left with no choice but to double-park my car. Hence, I left a note with my mobile number. The next morning, at 6am, I received a call to move my car. I rushed downstairs and apologised profusely to the vehicle owner as he continued yelling at me. Due to a lack of parking space in Al Nahda, Sharjah, most motorists opt to do what I did, but do not bother leaving a phone number. However, I do understand the inconvenience caused since exiting the area is very difficult. If the person is reading this letter, I apologise once again for having ruined his morning.
From Mr Manulal M. Inasu

Logical conclusion
Now that the price of oil has reduced, I think the cost of all basic commodities should decrease, too. When the price of fuel increases, the cost of food items rises immediately. How long does it take to reduce cost of commodities when the oil price drops? Would it be incorrect to assume that the opposite should happen sooner than later?
From Ms Sangeeta Bhalla

More buses, please
I hope the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) would consider plying more buses to Sharjah from Deira, in Dubai. My work ends at 10pm every day and it takes me 45 minutes to reach Deira from Jebel Ali. However, once there, I have to wait an hour or sometimes even more, for a bus to arrive. I would appreciate if the authorities take note of the situation, as more than a 100 other passengers face the same situation.
From Ms Pinky
Full name withheld by request

Unhappy traveller
While travelling to Mumbai, in India, on an Emirates flight, I requested for a regular meal for my five-year old son. Unfortunately, the flight attendant said she did not have any and gave him a children's meal, instead. I then had to give my meal to my son. I would like the concerned authorities to look into the matter and make sure that no other passenger has to face this ordeal. The cabin crew were not very helpful, either. However, one of the flight attendants was very cooperative and apologised for the matter. I hope there are more people like him in the airline industry.
From Ms Nafisa D. Raj

The management of Emirates airlines replies:
Emirates airlines does have a wide selection of meals available for passengers, with specific dietary or religious requirements. However, these have to be requested at least 24 hours in advance of travel. Additionally, rudeness from staff members is not tolerated and serious action is taken in view of such incidents. Staff members are expected to deal with passengers in a friendly and professional manner.

Chaotic traffic
The traffic situation in Sharjah's industrial areas is always chaotic. As a result, commuters trying to take the exit to Emirates Road during the morning rush hour often meet with accidents. Moreover, many drivers transform the two-lane road into four or five-lanes of traffic, due to their impatience and irresponsible driving. I urge the authorities to strictly monitor the behaviour of motorists in this area, especially between 6 and 9am. This would help avoid mishaps and streamline the flow of traffic.
From Mr Yervant V. K.

Be appreciative
If the reader is truly concerned about the state of Sammy the Shark, I urge him or her to first think about animals that are in places such as zoos ("Switch places", Gulf News, October 28). Sammy was rescued and appears to be content at Atlantis hotel, as she is treated well and fed properly. Additionally, if the reader wishes to speak for Sammy, then he or she should also speak for all the fish that are currently in the hotel's aquarium. All I have to say is that residents need to stop complaining about every issue and learn to appreciate. There is no need to be hypocritical or pass illogical comments.
From Mr Mazhar Mohad

Help visa-runners
I empathise with the visa-runners mentioned in Gulf News's report, as I too travelled to Kish for a visa change ("Desperate and destitute on Kish", Gulf News, October 27). I think it would be wise for the Philippine government to first assess the case of each stranded worker and then repatriate those who need to return to their home country, urgently. Additionally, such governments should provide financial assistance to citizens that require immediate assistance. From Mr Mike

Who knows?
This is with reference to Mr Pervaiz Gani's views on India wasting essential resources for its space missions, which he believes could be used for eliminating poverty ("Wastage", Gulf News, October 29). I implore Mr Gani to look at the USA, the richest and most developed country, having successfully spent billions of dollars for space programmes for many years now. The country still cannot claim that there is no poverty or unemployment amongst its citizens. Both poverty alleviation and space research are equally important for the development of any nation.
From Mr C. E. Sivadas
Al Ain

No way to cross
I agree with Mr Bobby, who highlighted in his letter the need for more pedestrian crossings and bridges on busy streets ("Take notice", Gulf News, October 20, 2008). One such location is King Faisal Street, in Sharjah. I think a subway or a pedestrian bridge should be constructed on this road, as a great number of vehicles use it. Pedestrians should feel safe while crossing the road. I hope the authorities consider this initiative.
From Mr Sudip Sengupta

Do not complain
I have one thing to say for people who complain about Salik tollgates. The money from Salik goes into paying for the roads, bridges, maintenance and future development. We live and work in a country where the cost of fuel is very reasonable. Toll fees in other countries with a similar standard of infrastructure are much higher. Therefore, I think we should consider ourselves lucky.
From Mr Gerard
Full name withheld by request

Fair timings
Currently, specific timings exist during which heavy vehicles are not allowed to ply on the roads. Having said that, I think there should also be certain timings during which light vehicles should not access specific roads. This way, roads would be cleared off quickly.
From Mr Nasser Usmani

A bad idea
What is the point of Salik tollgates? From what I have read and heard, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) put up Salik in congested areas so that they could get rid of traffic and reduce the number of vehicles on the roads during rush hour. However, I think traffic has only become worse, since tollgates were introduced. There seems to be endless traffic congestion on all the roads of Dubai and Sharjah. I think a lot of people are wasting time as well as money on Salik and I hope the RTA would think of a better solution soon.
From A Reader
Name withheld by request

Eco-friendly answers
I am truly concerned about the lack of recycling facilities in the country, as the situation has not significantly improved in the past few years. The world is running out of resources and recycling should be a high priority task. I believe the authorities could be stricter when it comes to improving the environment. Recycling bins could be placed near retail stores. Additionally, a recycling truck could drive through residential areas every two weeks and pick up materials that people have collected. Moreover, those who do not contribute to the recycling drive could be penalised. This would encourage people to recycle around the UAE.
From Ms Danielle Schreuders

Green construction
With the current real estate boom and development projects, I believe green buildings should be made a priority. Buildings made with ordinary cement reflect heat, making the area around them several degrees warmer, thus contributing to global warming. In contrast, green construction reuses the leftover material for further beautification. I would like to congratulate the authorities on introducing solar panels in some projects. It is good to know that Dubai is taking such steps to help create a sustainable
From Mr Abhinav Menon

Make a difference
The incorrect disposal of waste truly bothers me. Some people do not care for the environment, while others do their utmost to protect it. The country has a huge carbon footprint, due to the incorrect disposal of plastic bags and bottles. It takes hundreds of years for plastic to decompose and shoppers could reuse the bags, instead. Additionally, I noticed at school that a lot of food is usually thrown away. Pupils buy food items from the cafeteria and if it is not something they like, they waste it. People can reduce pollution only if they make an attempt. Even one person can make a difference.
From Ms Yara Jouzy

No parking
As a resident of Al Wahda Street in Sharjah, I have noticed that ever since a new diversion was made in the area, tenants have had to park their cars behind their apartment buildings. Unfortunately, because the taxi centre is situated nearby, a large number of materials have been dumped in the area where residents used to park. Now, there is barely any space for our vehicles. I hope the authorities take action and give residents the space they require for their vehicles.
From Mr Venugopalan
Full name withheld by request

Informative read
I would like to thank Gulf News for its informative website. A few years ago, I visited the UAE and truly enjoyed my stay. Even today, I often skim through the newspaper and like reading the opinion pages.
From A Reader
Name withheld by request

Leave them alone
I do not think stray cats pose a danger to residents and the fact that a campaign has been launched against them upsets me ("Feline Friends worried about stray cats campaign", Gulf News, October 22). Why should these innocent cats suffer when all they want is some food and water to survive? They do not expect people to give them love and affection. I hope the authorities campaign to create awareness among people and urge them to respect all living beings created by God.
From A Reader
Name withheld by request

Unaffordable life
I urge the authorities to provide housing for low-income groups — if not in the city, then at least in the outskirts. Many people are moving to Sharjah and Ajman, due to the high rents and this creates greater traffic congestion on highways. I urge Dubai to follow the Capital's example in constructing affordable homes for residents. Ideally, if people are employed in Dubai they should be able to afford a home in the city itself.
From Mr Bobby
Full name withheld by request