More amenities needed

The lack of buses in Jumeirah Village makes for an interesting story because this community obviously needs greater access to amenities (‘Dubai’s Jumeirah Village: Plenty of bus stops, but no buses,’ Gulf News, September 27). As stated, not everyone has a vehicle and the residents need to be able to travel without hindrance. It would benefit everyone concerned if there was more available transportation methods set in place. I feel that the community as a whole would benefit from this – in the retail areas, in hospitality and also the ambience. More amenities would help this community to flourish as this is a matter of balance for all concerned.

From Ms Sandra Jane Peters

Silverdale, UK

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Space in economy

The new luxury cabins by Etihad Airways looks really nice, but I have a small suggestion: instead of these luxurious suites, they should make economy class seating a bit more spacious (‘Get ready for Etihad’s lap of luxury in the sky -- in its Airbus A380s,’ Gulf News, September 27). I believe the majority of people are travelling in economy class, so this would satisfy a greater number of clients.

From Ms Safa Harris


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Economy can’t be spacious

I don’t think it is useful to make economy seats spacious. By doing this, it would most likely result in there being less seats in economy, which would mean the price of economy tickets would increase.

From Mr Jared Merino Hassan


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Low profits in economy

The reason adjustments haven’t been made to economy by airlines is because they don’t make money from economy. The higher yield on first, business and cargo makes it possible for planes to keep on flying!

From Ms Amirah Heerden

Abu Dhabi

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Expensive tickets required

I think that the lack of profit on economy has been a reality for ages, and I agree with Amirah. Even in history on ships like the Titanic and the Olympic, the first class ticket revenue was making the company break even. Second and third class was pure bonus. I believe it is the same in this situation.

From Mr Stephan van Leeuwen

Stuttgart, Germany

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Mostly for professionals

I would rather spend that sort of money on something else when I am on the ground. I think that normally, only a big company uses this particular service for its employees and it’s paid for out of the company’s pocket. I don’t think it is the norm for individuals to spend this sort of money when they go somewhere on holiday. An Abu Dhabi - London ticket would cost more than $20,000 (Dh73,500) per person. Imagine if you went with your family of four: that sort of money would be enough to build a nice villa in Bali and you would own it outright!

From Ms Selamet Riyadi

Beaudesert, Australia

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A balance

I think that this is a waste because most of the time it will probably be empty. I think this money would have been better spent if Etihad invested more in the economy class. If it’s called comfort class, then it should be comfortable. Too much differentiation between first, business and comfort class will backfire, as it causes resentment between passengers. Most airline tickets have high prices: it’s not exactly free!

From Mr Zuheir Ahmad

Vancouver, Canada

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Loves her country

I would hazard a guess that this Saudi woman riding horseback has done more for her country than a lot of her online critics speaking ill of her (‘Saudi woman horse-rider sparks online debate,’ Gulf News, September 26). She has proven her devotion and love for Saudi Arabia. Bravo to this veiled woman!

From Ms Zulu

South Africa

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More important issues

I really don’t understand why Saudi women driving or horseback riding is made into such a big issue. Even in the most developed nations of the West women are abused, molested and ill-treated. It is such a pity that the media only chooses to publicise trivial things like these pertaining only to Muslim women and never seems to throw some much needed light on issues that really need public attention.

From Ms Faiza


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Don’t agree

I wonder what the author of these comments have to say following Modi’s visit to the US (‘The handicaps of a Modi momentum,’ Gulf News, September 27). He actually gave a speech in English at Central Park, New York City. It is reported that Narendra Modi enthralled crowds at the event.

The news went on reporting that using an unusual platform of a rock concert, Modi invoked “can do” attitude to youth to change India and the world, while addressing a large crowd gathered for the Global Citizen Festival in Central Park.

After a seven-minute speech in English, Modi also read out a Sanskrit scripture calling for “peace in the world” and greeted the crowd with a “Namaste” amid cheers and claps. This makes me doubt the credibility of the editorials appearing in the Opinion section.

From Mr V. I. Mohammad Sageer


Inherited a mess

I think that Obama came in the worst time ever and that this should be taken into consideration before criticising his accomplishments (‘Obama: From ‘yes we can’ to ‘at least I tried’,’ Gulf News, September 26). He inherited a mess to deal with and for that, I do not envy him. I think it is also worth pointing out that he is a fulltime father to two girls at a very critical age. It would be a tough job to be president of the US and a father.

From Ms Mariam Diqs


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Unfortunate stand-off

The recent developments and army movements at the Indo-China border have indeed been very unfortunate even though Modi has recently returned from a very successful trip to China in the hopes to establish friendly relations (‘India, China to hold flag meeting today on border stand-off,’ Gulf News, September 26).

It seems to me that China’s attitude has always been unfriendly. India has always offered a hand of peace to China and expressed its intention to resolve the confusing border disputes, but China within this period has set up seven army tents inside the Indian area, thus escalating the situation. President Xi Jinping of China should immediately order all Chinese army movements to retreat from this area.

From Mr Thomas Matthew Parackel

Muvattupuzha, India

All that glitters is not gold

The release of the iPhone 6 has everyone’s adrenalin pumping. However, is it worth it? In my opinion, I strongly believe that this hype for the phone is unnecessary. This phone except for its big screen, which is slightly smaller than an iPad mini, does not have many features compared to Android devices. Apple seems to like releasing outdated phones, in areas where Samsung has been excelling for years. It even lacks basic features such as a radio and multi-application orientation.

This phone compared to others has lower battery life and the iPhone 6, or all other iPhone versions, cannot be personalised. It is advisable to go for one of the many popular Android devices, which cost less than the iPhone 6 and provide more features. After the two-year wait for the iPhone 6, the only improvement is the larger screen, which proves the inability of the Apple tech giant to come up with new features in this rapidly developing smartphone world. Hence, I don’t accept the craze or hype over the phone, which is actually incompetent in comparison with all the smartphones being released this year.

From Ms Sruthi Rao


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